Safety in Extended-Care Facilities Bloodborne Pathogens Hazard Communication Lockout/Tagout Personal Protective Equipment Emergency Preparedness Combative Residents Safety in Extended-Care Facilities
Program Elements Bloodborne Pathogens Program Elements Exposure Control Plan Engineering and Work Practice Controls Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Vaccination, Testing, and Post-exposure Follow-up Process Labeling and Training Recordkeeping
Program Elements Hazard Communication Program Elements Written Program Chemical Inventory Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Labeling Employee Training
Program Elements Personal Protective Equipment Program Elements Workplace Hazard Assessment Hazard Abatement –Use engineering controls whenever feasible Product Evaluation/Selection Employee Training
Program Elements Lockout / Tagout Program Elements Document all applicable equipment and energy sources Identify authorized and affected employees Develop written procedures Train employees Review and update Outside contractors
Program Elements Emergency Action Plan Program Elements Responsibilities Rescue / medical duties Employee training Escape procedures Employee accountability Reporting procedures Must be in writing if >10 employees
The Facts Violence in the Workplace The Facts In the US, workplace violence is the leading cause of on- the-job fatalities for females in all occupations The highest number of nonfatal assaults occur in health care and social service sectors Nursing aides and orderlies are the victims in more than 50% of all workplace assaults Nonfatal assaults are primarily perpetrated by combative patients/residents
Combative Residents = Violence in the Workplace
Program Elements Combative Residents Program Elements Management Commitment Supervisor Accountability Written Program Responsibilities Employee Involvement and Training Reporting Procedures Incident Review Control Measures Program Review
Combative Residents Risk Factors Working alone with residents Staff member unfamiliar with residents Resident unfamiliar with staff member Medication, diet, rest/sleep Inadequate communication systems Lack of training on how to recognize and manage hostile behavior Inadequate or untimely follow-up on incidents
Combative Residents Question How does your facility recognize issues related to combative residents?
Combative Residents Question What types of control measures does your facility use to reduce the potential for injuries due to combative residents?
Resources for Managing Combative Residents OSHA Publication Number 3148 OCOSH course – GEN316
Who should be responsible for maintaining these programs? Bloodborne Pathogens Hazard Communication Lockout/Tagout Personal Protective Equipment Emergency Preparedness Combative Residents → → → → → → → → → → → →
Safety & Health Programs Tools and Resources OCOSH courses Sample programs – OSHA E-Tool – Resources Tab
OCOSH courses CodeLength Course title GEN3141 dayAccident Analysis IHY220.5 dayBloodborne Pathogens GEN3111 dayControlling Costs through Claims Management GEN3101 dayControlling Workers’ Compensation Costs SAF daysElectrical Hazards SAF1082 daysElectrical Safety Audits ERG2191 dayErgonomics: Developing an Effective Process ERG2183 daysErgonomics: Applied GEN1012 daysFundamentals of an Effective Safety & Health Program IHY daysHazard Communication
OCOSH courses, continued CodeLength Course title SAF1241 dayJob Safety Analysis WEB001VariesOffice Ergonomics online (self-paced at your own computer) GEN1261 dayMeasuring Safety Performance GEN3201 dayOSHA Recordkeeping SAF120.5 dayPersonal Protective Equipment Selection Criteria IHY daysRespiratory Protection RIS100.5 dayTen Step Business Plan GEN316.5 dayViolence in the Workplace GEN234.8 dayWellness in the Workplace