Shel Silverstein By: Johnnathan Villa
Who is Shel Silverstein? Shel Silverstein was an American poet, sing- song writer, composer, musician, cartoonist, screen writer and author of children’s books.
Why I chose this person I think he is really great. He knows a lot about what he does. He is also very funny. I think he should win a prize(oh wait he did).
Childhood Shel Silverstein was born on Chicago, Illinois on September 25, He grew up in a low class neighbor hood in the Logan Square area of Chicago. His parents were Nathan and Helen Silverstein.
Childhood (continued) Some struggles he faced included: Him wanting to be a baseball player but he couldn't hit the ball with the bat He wanted to be popular with girls but he couldn’t dance.
There was not much of his adolescence other than graduating from Roosevelt High.
Silverstein went to University of Illinois (in which he was expelled), Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, Roosevelt University (three years). He also served in the army at Japan and Korea.
Born- September 25 th Drafted into army-1953 Becomes cartoonist for Playboy-1956 Wins Grammy for his song "A Boy Named Sue“ and his daughter Shoshanna was born-1970 His friend Susan Hastings dies-1975
His wife Shoshanna dies-1982 Son Matthew born-1984 Dies-May 8, 1999 Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame inducts him -2002
What positive contributions has he made? He has made many books for children and earned Grammys and awards for his poems.
Fun Facts Has had his books published into 20 different languages. Wrote songs for singers like Johnny Cash, Dr. Hook, and Waylon Jennings. He began drawing cartoons while in the armed forces at Japan and Korea.
Last night, while I lay thinking here, some Whatifs crawled inside my ear and pranced and partied all night long and sang their same old Whatif song: Whatif I'm dumb in school? Whatif they've closed the swimming pool? Whatif I get beat up? Whatif there's poison in my cup? Whatif I start to cry? Whatif I get sick and die? Whatif I flunk that test? Whatif green hair grows on my chest? Whatif nobody likes me? Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me? Whatif I don't grow talle? Whatif my head starts getting smaller? Whatif the fish won't bite? Whatif the wind tears up my kite? Whatif they start a war? Whatif my parents get divorced? Whatif the bus is late? Whatif my teeth don't grow in straight? Whatif I tear my pants? Whatif I never learn to dance? Everything seems well, and then the nighttime Whatifs strike again
What I’ve learned during this project- I’ve learned about his life and how he looks. I also learned that he earned Grammys for his poems and he wrote songs for famous artists(not to mention that a week ago I didn’t know he was dead yet).
Poem about poet Shel Thoughtful, Funny Writing, Laughing, Thinking Special, Never-forgotten, Loved Genius
Bibliography -silverstein-facts.asphttp:// -silverstein-facts.asp ein ein