Padma Angmo, Deputy Secretary, Election Commission of India
Increase in voter turnout in identified low turnout polling stations Increase of atleast 10-15% in turnout over 2009 LS Bridge gender gap in enrolment and turnout Inclusion of left out groups/communities in electoral roll and voting Informed, ethical and inducement free voting Increase in postal ballot voting
Identification of 10% lowest turnout PS in each district in LS 2009 and reasons thereof Identification of lowest turnout Parliamentary Constituencies and reason thereof Identification of reasons for drop in turnout (if any) between last AE and last LS election Identification of left out groups, communities at each Polling Station, if any
Targeted interventions to bridge major gaps like Women, Urban, Youth, weaker sections, Physically challenged etc Targeted interventions at polling station level Innovations to reach the target IMF : Information, Motivation, Facilitation
State SVEEP Core Committee headed by CEO to supervise implementation of the SVEEP Plan; Committee with members from various department, agencies and organisations District Core Committee chaired by DEO/CEO(ZP) to supervise the implementation of the SVEEP Plan in the district. Nodal Officer incharge of SVEEP at each district Network of partnership be developed at State and District level Frameworks of partnerships issued by the Commission in relation to CSOs, PSU/Corporates and Media
Forms made available at prominent places including Banks and Post Offices besides Colleges and Universities Special registration camps in weekly haats, festivals and through mobile vans Factories and Corporates roped in to ensure registration of their employees Mass mobilization activities close to elections Communication campaigns through mass media, folk media and other media Inter-personal communication and direct people-to-people contact EVM familarisation camps; NOTA and VVPAT
Archive of approved material available on the ECI website Inventory Building on Voters’ Information and Awareness software for the state level Expert Committee at State level for quality check and control of content comprising of Heads of AIR & DD among others Survey findings to be utilized for designing material and deciding the media vehicles for dissemination Use National Icons; Regional / local icons may be identified Approval of Commission on the content created by State
Material on voter awareness to be shared with partner CSOs/ media houses for wider dissemination. Under ECI-NLMA MoU, Sakshar Bharat workers (NLMA) shall carry out electoral literacy programmes besides helping BLOs for enrolment All messages used in the elections requires approval of the Commission
Name search facility on website and SMS Locating PS through internet Voter Facilitation Centres to be set up at strategic locations VFCs to be supplied education and awareness material in good quantity Prompt issue of duplicate EPICs Registration of left-out Voters to continue till the last date of filing of nominations of candidates
EROs and AEROs are to ensure that EPIC are issued to all enrolled Ensure that Voters’ Slips are distributed on time Adequate early publicity to alternative identity document Provision of drinking water, sheds, toilets for women, ramps at Polling Stations Setting up of model polling stations equipped with necessary facilities
Mid period review and constant monitoring of SVEEP in the district by DEO Regular Video Conferences by CEO with all DEOs for review of implementation The programme shall be reviewed at the national level by the Commission. A reporting format has been circulated
DEOs to submit a report to the CEO based on: analysis of the overall turnout analysis of the registration ahead of polls analysis of the comparative turnout among women, urban voters and youth analysis of the turnout of the identified excluded groups/communities at specific polling stations analysis of the comparative turnout in the identified 10% of the lowest turnout polling stations CEO shall submit a report to the Commission within two months of closure of polls.
Government Colleges and Universities to have Campus Ambassadors Campus Ambassador/s from among a list provided by the Head of the College/University; due weightage to girl students In co-educational college two Campus Ambassadors (M/F) Each Campus Ambassador to be in position for one Academic year; can be renewed on a yearly basis CEO /DEO to brief the Campus ambassadors immediately on their appointment about their roles and responsibilities EROs office to support Campus Ambassadors for facilitating registration A quarterly meeting of the Campus Ambassadors by the CEO
Identifying students, teachers and staff not registered in the electoral roll; facilitating their registration With the help of CEO/DEO office, special camps for registration Educating about registration, correction of errors, transposition of names, voting process and ethical voting Including Voter Education in various co-curricular activities of the Campus Creating core team of students to work as Volunteers for the SVEEP activities in the campus Organizing National Voters’ Day programmes
NLMA State Departments Educational Institutions CSOs/NGOs Media Houses Corporate Houses Organisations like NYKS, NSS etc
VE material by NLMA to be disseminated through existing mechanism i.e. AWCs, Health Centres etc States to extend support for the training of NLMA’s Master Trainers and Preraks Radio spots and jingles prepared by NLMA to be suitably inserted in All India Radio and private FM radio channels during the election period The electoral literacy material prepared under MoU can be shared with other partners