1 Your current process © 2015 Atrendia - The leader in e management The current process for handling mail requires all mail to come first to your inbox.
2 What does the LeanMail Graylist folder do? © 2015 Atrendia - The leader in e management Example: After you install the LeanMail Graylist Folder, all new mails will first appear in the Graylist folder until you whitelist/blacklist the individual or domain.
3 Activating the LeanMail Graylist folder © 2015 Atrendia - The leader in e management Check the box Choose a period of time Settings
4 Gray List buttons on the LeanMail toolbar © 2015 Atrendia - The leader in e management = Whitelists the selected mail, moving it to your Inbox = Graylists the selected mail, moving it from your Inbox to the LeanMail Graylist = Blacklists the selected mail, moving it to your Spam folder (same as ”Block Sender”under the Junk button.
5 Operating the LeanMail Graylist folder © 2015 Atrendia - The leader in e management 1.Click on the LeanMail Graylist folder. 2.Scan for mails you would like to Whitelist or Blacklist, leaving the rest. Mails you Whitelist will be moved to the Inbox and be excluded from landing in the Graylist folder in the future. Mails you Blacklist will be moved to the Junk folder now and in the future. You will need to Whitelist and Blacklist a large number of mails in the first week or so, but after that you will have considerably less and less.
6 The LeanMail Graylist folder Check your Graylist folder a couple of times a day, especially during the first couple of weeks. © 2015 Atrendia - The leader in e management Read mails Unread mails, to be decided upon
7 Whitelisting domains means that not only will individual senders be whitelisted (and therefore always be moved directly to your Inbox), but also any sender from that particular domain, i.e. atrendia.com, microsoft.com, etc. By checking the Autoreply when graylisting checkbox, anyone whose mail lands in the Graylist folder will receive an autoreply. Click on the Demo to see the autoreply. s will be deleted from the Graylist folder after a certain period of time. This will keep your Graylist folder manageable. Choose what best fits your needs. More Graylist settings © 2015 Atrendia - The leader in e management