Project Name:_________________ Team Name: Pemuda Country : Indonesia School : UIN Jakarta
Youth Unemployment is a Real Problem in Indonesia 2012, Indonesia is The top one nation in Asia Pacific with currently 64 million Youth Unemployed Experience 50% Secondary- Middle school Background 30% High school Background 20% Bachelor Background Statistically: Impact: -Never ending poverty -Social tension and unrest -Criminal behavior or action such as thievery -physiological problem / disturbance towards the youth -A so called “Lost generation” will be constructed -Encouraging early marriage resulting in a rapid growth of population -Youth leaving the country, searching for job opportunities overseas -Hazardous / illegal work such as prostitution, drugs trafficking and so on will be popular among the youth Sources: Indonesian Government (National Development Planning Board – Bappenas)
Discover The youth should be responsible for themselves, Yet the youth must obtain support from every important element like ; the Government, Institutions, Society, and the World Youth Unemployment in Indonesia is caused by: FactorCityCountry Side PovertyCannot pay for education fee Lack of Information - Much information only gives by alumni to their alma mater. - Much information on internet but many youth do not know what the good keyword to find them. - The youth don’t know where to find the Information. - Some of the youth don’t have internet connection and some of them don’t know how to use computer/internet. Quantity of Sources More People but less number of Job Opportunities. More natural resources but people don’t know how to process them. CentralizationCentralization of Work opportunities to the capital city NepotismThe recruitment base on race, identity, religion, etc. EducationComplicated education system.Lack of education. Skill Educated youth but don’t have skill that business need such as English proficiency, computer skill, etc Youth just have natural skill but not what business need. Community influence Community influence youth to just find a “formal” job. TraditionMostly in Indonesia, the youth normally “independence” from their parent after 21.
Creating a Non – Governmental Organization with a concern to youth unemployment Why? 1.NGO is more connected to the society and responds fast to societal issues 2.NGO can empower the community 3.NGO also can approach both the government and private sector 4.NGO has a deep concern in problem solving of current issues 5.NGO is non - profit oriented Solution
The purpose of this institution is : Becoming an institution that cooperates with many institutions and companies for the distribution of labor /manpower. Becoming an institution that supplies the youth who are unemployed and don’t have an educational background with knowledge of the working world. Becoming an institution that supplies the unemployed youth with an educational background to become more daring to become entrepreneurs and are capable of hiring labor. Becoming an institution that can receive many volunteers. Becoming an institution that can create job opportunities. Becoming an institution that gives a loan or perhaps financial support to the potential youth who are financially not fortunate so that they are able to continue their education. Solution
Step I: Creating the Institution estimating time: 1 week Open Recruitment. Target 5 People (some of them should be Law or IT students / graduates) who have the same vision In the fist 2 weeks: The creation of the charter / statute of this institution In the last 2 weeks: The team will concern about the registration and administration of this NGO so it can get acknowledgment from the government Open a branch in other region Solution
Step II: Open Recruitment for “Volunteer and Internship” program The Volunteer Position that will be open are: 1.Human Development: train the youth with the aim that the unemployed youth at least can develop 1 skill 2.Language Development: in charge of training language and communication capabilities of the unemployed youth that is required when working 3.Public Relations : To build a relationship between this NGO with institutions so that a sustainable cooperation can be created and can open job opportunities for the unemployed youth at those institutions 4.Fund Raising : In charge of searching for sponsors for this NGO, so that it can receive financial support to fund the needs of this organization Solution
NGO (has a relation with several institutions. Companies) Un-Educated unemployed youth (learning freely) Educated but un employed youth (learning freely) Become Employed, and 15% of the salary must be donated to the sustainability of the NGO Becoming an entrepreneur, and 20% of the salary must be donated to the NGO for its sustainability When the funds of the NGO is collected much from fund raising and donations of youth that already received jobs, then the NGO will provide loans to the potential youth who don’t have money for education. When the youth become successful they have to return the money they borrowed so that this NGO can be sustainable and provide other youth who are in need. The flow will be like this:
SWOT Analysis Strength: -This NGO will be a sustainable developing NGO that can minimize the amount of youth unemployment with a maximum effort Strength: -This NGO will be a sustainable developing NGO that can minimize the amount of youth unemployment with a maximum effort Weakness -All of this must be started at the capital city, because of the centralization here. Because the center of all institutions is located in the capital city. But if in the lobbying process succeed in Capital, this NGO should expand to country side soon. Weakness -All of this must be started at the capital city, because of the centralization here. Because the center of all institutions is located in the capital city. But if in the lobbying process succeed in Capital, this NGO should expand to country side soon. Opportunities: -Youth (especially in Indonesia) are currently very involved in voluntarism work, so they can be empowered to build up this NGO. -There are tons of universities with thousands of students that are obligated to intern, this NGO can be a perfect place for them to do that. -Many universities have a community service program for the students, students then can fulfill it by training the unemployed youth. -Indonesia has many “sharia” Banks that help potential entrepreneurs in running a business in order to get profit. -Indonesia has many institutions that are willing to cooperate in developing human resources Indonesia. Opportunities: -Youth (especially in Indonesia) are currently very involved in voluntarism work, so they can be empowered to build up this NGO. -There are tons of universities with thousands of students that are obligated to intern, this NGO can be a perfect place for them to do that. -Many universities have a community service program for the students, students then can fulfill it by training the unemployed youth. -Indonesia has many “sharia” Banks that help potential entrepreneurs in running a business in order to get profit. -Indonesia has many institutions that are willing to cooperate in developing human resources Indonesia. Treatments: -Time, money, commitment, and consistency is needed to operate this NGO. But with good strategic and management, it will be nothing. -Constructing trust among institutions to work together. -A geographical problem in Indonesia. Therefore a great effort is needed to reach all the unemployed youth. Treatments: -Time, money, commitment, and consistency is needed to operate this NGO. But with good strategic and management, it will be nothing. -Constructing trust among institutions to work together. -A geographical problem in Indonesia. Therefore a great effort is needed to reach all the unemployed youth.
To solve this problem, we need to RE-build and RE- empower the youth through a sustainable developing institution that will really concern about it. We need it right now! For a better future.. This project is base on our research when we did Community Service in Aug 2012 and also library research since last month. This project will utilize a lot of element like government, private, volunteers, youth, etc and all of unemployed youth will be reached, because this is "Reachable for Everyone“ Project! Thanks.. Planned Result and Outcomes