RIMS II Online Order and Delivery System Tutorial on Downloading and Viewing Multipliers
2 RIMS II Online Order and Delivery Tutorial Thank you for ordering multipliers using the RIMS II online order and delivery system. This PowerPoint provides step-by- step instructions for downloading and viewing the multipliers you have purchased.
3 Accessing RIMS II Online Order and Delivery System To download your multipliers, you need to log in to the system. From the RIMS II homepage you can log in to the system. Click on “Online ordering system” to get to the system Log In screen.
4 Logging Into the RIMS II Online Order and Delivery System To log into the system, enter the address and password you created when you registered. If you forget your password, you can reset either it by clicking the “Forgot your password” link or by contacting the RIMS II staff.
5 Viewing My Current Orders To view your multiplier order(s), please click on the “View my current orders” button located on the bottom left of the main Online Order and Delivery system screen. All orders associated with your account will be displayed.
6 Order History Page The Order History Page allows you to view all of your recent orders. To view multipliers for a particular order, click on the Order Number. This will bring up the Order Detail Page.
7 Order Detail Page The Order Detail Page allows you to access your multiplier data. There are three ways to access your RIMS II multipliers: 1) Viewing and printing PDF versions of the summary multiplier tables 2) Using the Multiplier Quick View 3) Downloading the data and using the RIMS II Viewer Software The following slides will provide detailed instructions for accessing your multiplier data using all three methods.
Option 1: Viewing Your Multiplier PDFs
Viewing Your Multiplier PDFs For your convenience, the summary level multiplier tables are provided in PDF form. These PDFs can be viewed, saved, and printed. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files. Double click the PDF icon under the Table 1.4, Table 2.4 or Table 3.4 heading to open the corresponding PDF. If your order contains multiple regions or industries, there will be separate PDF icons for each region or industry you ordered.
10 Viewing Your Multiplier PDFs
11 Option 2: Using the Multiplier Quick View
12 Launching the Multiplier Quick View One option for viewing your data is to use the Multiplier Quick View. This allows you to quickly view and access the RIMS II multiplier tables included in your order. To view multipliers using the Multiplier Quick View, click on the magnifying glass icon under the “Quick View” heading. If your order contains multiple regions or industries, there will be a separate Quick View icon for each region or industry you ordered.
13 Multiplier Quick View On the Multiplier Quick View page, you can view the composition of your region, your multiplier tables and the corresponding footnotes. You may also export the multiplier tables to Microsoft Excel. Click the “Quick View Help” button for additional information.
14 Quick View: Table Display Functions You may use Ctrl + C to copy cells, rows, and columns from the Multiplier Quick View. To copy the row and column headings with your data, highlight the heading along with the data and then use Ctrl + C. Note: You cannot paste information into the Multiplier Quick View.
15 Quick View: Displaying Region Composition To view the composition of your region, click on the “Region Definition” button in the upper left hand corner of the page.
16 Quick View: Displaying Region Composition Note: This button activates a pop-up containing the region definition. If you have blocked pop-ups on your computer, you will need to hold the Ctrl key while you click the “Region Definition” button to view this information.
17 Quick View: Displaying Footnotes To view the footnotes for the table that is being displayed, click the “Footnotes” button in the upper portion of the page.
18 Quick View: Displaying Footnotes Note: This button activates a pop-up containing the footnotes. If you have blocked pop-ups on your computer, you will need to hold the Ctrl key while you click the “Footnotes” button to view this information.
19 Quick View: Exporting Tables to Excel To export an entire table from the Multiplier Quick View, display the table you would like to export and then click the “Export table to Excel” button. Follow the prompts for opening or saving the table. Note: Exporting Tables 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 (detailed multipliers for output, earnings, and employment for the 473 input-output industries) causes them to be transposed. This is because many types of spreadsheet software cannot accommodate the 473 columns that appear in the Quick View.
20 Quick View: Exporting Tables to Excel If you would like to view the multipliers in Excel, select Open. If you would like to save the multipliers in Excel format, select Save.
21 Quick View: Exporting Tables to Excel When saving, you will need to name your file and designate a folder for the file to be saved. Remember to save your table with a meaningful name in a location that is easy for you to find.
22 Quick View: Viewing the Help Page For more information on using the Multiplier Quick View, click the “Quick View Help” button.
23 Quick View: Viewing the Help Page To learn more about a specific topic, click the corresponding link.
24 Option 3: Using the RIMS II Viewer Step 1: Downloading Your RIMS II Multipliers
25 Downloading RIMS II Multipliers To download RIMS II data, click the disk icon under the Download column heading. If your order contains multiple regions or industries, there will be a separate Download icon for each region or industry you ordered.
26 Downloading Multipliers: Instructions Please read the Multiplier Download instructions carefully! To download your multipliers, click on the “Download Multiplier Data Files” button and follow the prompts. The download will be saved as a Zip file. Note: You may also access a PDF ReadMe file to help explain your multiplier data by clicking the “Download Readme File” button.
27 Downloading Multipliers : Opening or Saving the Zip File If you would like to view the contents of the Zip file, select Open. If you would like to save the contents of the Zip file, select Save.
28 Downloading Multipliers: Saving the File When saving, you will need to name your file and designate a folder for the file to be saved. Remember to save your table with a meaningful name in a location that is easy for you to find. Note: Each set of RIMS II multipliers should be saved in a different directory so that you do not overwrite your existing data.
29 Downloading Multipliers: Extracting Data The downloaded RIMS II multiplier files will need to be unzipped before they can be used in the RIMS II Viewer. Double click the zip file to open it.
30 Downloading Multipliers: Extracting Data Once open, click on the “Extract” button.
31 Downloading Multipliers: Extracting Data You will need to specify a location for the extracted data. Please be sure to extract all of the files. It is recommended that a new and empty folder be designated for the unzipped data.
32 Downloading Multipliers: Extracting Data A status box will appear to show the progress of unzipping the data.
33 Option 3: Using the RIMS II Viewer Step 2: Downloading and Installing the RIMS II Viewer Software
34 Downloading the RIMS II Viewer Software You will need to download and install the RIMS II Viewer software in order to view your downloaded multiplier data. The Viewer can be used to display many different sets of multipliers. To download the RIMS II Viewer, click on the “Download RIMS II Viewer” button at the top of the Order Detail page.
35 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: System Requirements To use the RIMS II Viewer, your computer must meet certain specifications. Please review the system requirements on the RIMS II Download page before installing the RIMS II Viewer.
36 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Saving the Viewer.exe To download the RIMS II Viewer, select Save.
37 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Saving the Viewer.exe You will need to designate a folder for the Viewer executable file (Viewer.exe) on your computer.
38 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Saving the Viewer.exe A status box will show the progress of the download.
39 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Beginning the Installation To install the RIMS II Viewer, double click the Viewer.exe file in your saved location.
40 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Beginning the Installation To complete the install you will need to select “Run” at this security prompt.
41 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Beginning the Installation A status box will appear to show the progress of the install.
42 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Using the Setup Wizard Follow the prompts within the Setup Wizard to install the Viewer.
43 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Designating Location for Viewer Files You will need to designate a folder and file name for your multiplier data. To avoid overwriting existing RIMS II multiplier data, designate a separate folder for each set of multipliers.
44 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Selecting Components Although the full installation in recommended, you may choose which components of the RIMS II Viewer software you would like installed.
45 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Selecting Start Menu Folder To add a RIMS II Viewer shortcut to your computer’s Start menu, please provide a name for the shortcut or click the “Next” button to use the default name of RIMS II v2.0.
46 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Creating Shortcuts To add a Viewer icon to your desktop, check the box next to “Create a desktop icon.” To add a Quick Launch Icon to your system tray at the bottom of your computer screen, check the box next to “Create a Quick Launch icon.”
47 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Completing the Installation Click the “Install” button to complete the installation.
48 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Completing the Installation A status box will appear to show the progress of the install.
49 Downloading RIMS II Viewer: Installing Java 5.0 At the end of the Setup Wizard, you will be asked if you want to install Java 5.0. Java 5.0 is required to use the RIMS II Viewer. Java only needs to be installed once on your computer. Please be sure to uncheck the “Install Java” button if this software has previously been installed.
50 Option 3: Using the RIMS II Viewer Step 3: Displaying Your RIMS II Multipliers
51 Using the RIMS II Viewer to Display Your Multipliers The dialogue box shown below will appear every time the RIMS II Viewer is opened.
52 RIMS II Viewer: Selecting Multiplier File Location To view your multipliers, click on the File menu in the upper left hand corner of the Viewer and choose Open. To access region multipliers, choose Region from the Open menu. To access industry multipliers, choose Industry from the Open menu. Follow the prompts to locate your saved multiplier data.
53 RIMS II Viewer: Selecting Multiplier File Location Use the dialogue box to navigate to the folder where your data files are saved. Highlight the folder and click “Open.” You do not need to double click the folder.
54 RIMS II Viewer: Viewing Region or Industry Name Once the data files have been opened, the region or industry name will appear in the Viewer title bar. If the name does not automatically appear, use the drop down menu to select a table to view. The region or industry name should then appear.
55 RIMS II Viewer: Selecting a Multiplier Table Use the drop down menu next to the Table heading to select the table you want to display. The drop-down box will show all available tables for your region or industry order. For example, an order for Annual Series multipliers will only display tables 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4.
56 RIMS II Viewer: Viewing a Multiplier Table
57 Contact Information
58 Further Assistance If you have further questions or require additional assistance, please contact the RIMS staff by at or by phone at (202)