Camera specifications -3 channels for streaming -FullHD capability (1980x1080 resolution) -MP4, H.264 or MJPEG encoding -Motion detection sensors -IR LED for night recording -Internal storage for video archiving -Digital video output -Network (RJ-45) connectivity -3G connectivity with SIM card
Solution topology 3G connection Media streaming server Internet users Company web server
3G connection limitations -Maximum peak transfers 28Mbit downlink / 22Mbit uplink -Average measured transfers – 8Mbit downlink / 2Mbit uplink -Prone to dropped transfers -Speed dependent of coverage and weather conditions Achievable setup -1 live stream with resolution 720x480, 2 frames per second -1 recorded stream, resolution 1980x1080, 10 frames per second, transferred to the media streaming server overnight
Demo application -Control all cameras from a single location -Replay of recorded videos -Play live stream -Information about selected camera -Possibility to change video settings -On request picture snapshot -Snapshot refreshed every 10 minutes -Camera info refreshed every 15 minutes