Problem Solution Essay: How-To A Guide to writing Problem/Solution Papers
What is it? A problem solution essay is exactly what it sounds like. You research a problem, create a solution for it, and write about it. 1. Identify a problem 2. Come up with a practical solution
Example Problem: Child poverty This is an example that I will use throughout these slides. Let’s assume I choose to research child poverty.
Problem Research I would research my problem by using different web sites. I would jot (write) down all of the facts that I found about my problem, child poverty. These facts would go into my paper. While researching, I would look up: Who is involved/impacted/affected… What is happening… When did it/is it occuring… Where is it occurring… Why is it happening…
Solution Drafting After looking up the problem and the facts about the problem, I will come up with a solution When coming up with a solution, I will ask myself: What is the solution? How will it work? How long until it works? Why will it work? I will come up with facts and statistics to support my solution
Example Solution : Give all property previously owned by prisoners to children in poverty.
Road Blocks After drafting a solution, I will look at anything that could get in the way of that solution Road Blocks are things that may not allow the solution to happen Examples: Not enough money Illegal Requires too many people to enforce Not practical to enforce on a large scale Etc….
Example Road Blocks : could be illegal to give away property, if criminal, could have stolen possessions, may owe money to bank for some possessions…
Format 1. Introduction with thesis 2. Body Paragraphs What is the problem? What is the solution? 3. Conclusion
Introduction Here, you BRIEFLY introduce what your paper is about Tell the reader the problem you researched In the first sentence or two, connect to the reader somehow: Try to make the reader interested in what you are saying Address the reader: “I’m sure you have seen the sad faces of children on TV- those that live in poverty…” Make it interesting: “Faces on the front of the newspaper all dirty and scarred, fearful eyes that speak of pain, begging for relief…” Make the reader aware: “Poverty in North Carolina is a much larger issue than many people think. We always think of Africa or other countries…” The last sentence of your introduction is called a thesis. The thesis is VERY important Tells the reader what the paper is about You state the problem you researched AND how you plan to solve it One fat sentence not a skinny one.
Body Paragraphs There is no limit to how many or how few paragraphs to include here. Generally, 3 body paragraphs is the minimum 1 st paragraph: Discusses the problem. Go into detail about the problem Answer the who, what, when, where, why stuff Who is involved/impacted/affected… What is happening… When did it/is it occuring… Where is it occurring… Why is it happening… Add statistical facts (percentages, numbers…)
Body Paragraphs Other body paragraphs One or more paragraphs should: Address the solution to the problem What is the solution How will it work How long until it works Why will it work Should include facts and statistics One or more paragraphs should discuss the possible problems with the solution Examples: Costs too much money Not enough people to help Not practical Should include facts and statistics
Conclusion Here you want to wrap up the paper The first few sentences should: Restate the problem and the solution you mentioned in the paper Should not include a lot of details like the body of the paper did The last sentence should be addressed to the reader or should be a statement that ends the paper Make it final: “The solution to the problem of poverty presented above is the best available…” Make it personal: “If all of us put in the time and follow through with the plan presented, poverty would virtually be eliminated…”