“The Visit of the Magi” Matthew 2:1 – 12
The challenges … God’s will conflicting their plans King Herod saw a great conflict of God’s will against his plans. Therefore out of fear, pride, and selfishness he became disturbed and had a secret plot to murder the Child-King. Magi were Nobel people, living in their comfort. Still they left that comfort defiling the odds of the unfriendly weather; they journeyed from the east to Jerusalem.
The challenges … Humility and understanding King Herod and his team lack humility and understanding of the will of God even though they knew what the scripture says and are in Jerusalem. (Hosea 4:6, Proverbs 16:18) The Magi were not Jews yet believe the leadings of God. They allowed themselves to be led by the Lord through the star to fulfill their assignment in life. (1 Chron. 12:32, 1 Peter 5:6)
The Attitudes of the Magi 1.They “SEEK the New BORN KING”! – the verse 2 says, “Where is the One who is born the King of the Jews?” and verse 7 “Go and search carefully for the young Child,…” “ Seek the LORD while He may be found…” Isaiah 55:6. They came with the spirit of injury to SEEK the Lord! Therefore, they ask, "WHERE IS HE?"
The Attitudes of the Magi 2. "The Magi Worship, - Let Us Also Worship" the verse 2b “…come to worship Him.” And the verse 11b, “…and fell down and worshiped Him.” – They came prepared to worship the Lord! They came prepared to WORSHIP the KING! The Bible says, the Lord is looking for people who will Worship Him in Spirit and truth, like the Magi did. John 4:23-24.
The Attitudes of the Magi 3. "The Magi Offer Gifts, Let Us Also Offer Gifts." – The verse 11c, “…they opened their treasurer and offered a gift!” Giving is an attitude of God! For God so love the world that He GAVE! John 3:16. The Magi knew this, and therefore, they were full of the attitude of God, so they gave! Their giving was not ordinary, the John 3:16, said “…God gave His ONLY Son…” not one of them but the Only Son whom He love.
Result of sincere Attitude to God “The Lord Directed Them The Way To Go” – in verse 12, “…being warned of God in a dream…” The Lord kept the Magi away from danger! – the Lord gave them a dream about their future to led them into the way of safety
Let us come before the Lord in prayer Seeking the Lord in the coming year…. Worship the Lord in the coming year… Offering our lives and substance in the coming year…
“The Visit of the Magi” Matthew 2:1 – 12