Science Measuring Tools by: Kathy Furgang
Introduction Numbers are important when measuring. When trying to find the feet or pounds or degrees measuring come in hand. You can use different things to measure such as your body.
Measuring Length And Distance If you want to measure length and distance by using a meter stick Also, you can use a meter stick by measuring a car by using it`s centimeter and millimeters. Also, you can use chalk or tape where the car stopped.
Ruler A ruler is used measure length in the U.S Customary system. A ruler can be also, used from it`s inches which can go up to 12. It can also, be used by it`s centimeters too to measure a growing plant Need a ruler?
It`s A Fact French invented the metric system in the late 1700`s. Also, the U.S Customary system. Most people besides the United States use the metric system.
It`s A Facts Another tool for measuring things is a yardstick in the U.S Customary system. Another tool is metal measuring tape. A common length for household used in 12 feet.
Measuring Mass Measurements of the mass are usually given in metric units. The mass of a very large item is noted in kilometers small items are measured in grams.
Balance If a balance has one pan the object whose mass you want to measure is placed on the pan. Standard masses are placed on the second pan until leveled. The total of the standard masses placed on the pan is equal to the mass of the object.
Measuring Weight Most scientists use a metric (SI) unit called the newton to express weight. But most of us express weight in pounds, the U.S. customary unit of weight. When we measures an objects weight, we are measuring the force of gravity.
Spring Scale It measures the force of gravity on a object that is placed on the spring. When a scientist in a lab used a spring scale when he or she hangs and object from a hook. Use a spring scale to compare the force of gravity on two object.
Measuring Volume A quart is a unit of measurement in U.S. customary system, A liter is a unit of measurement in the metric system. The volume of an object indicates how much space it takes up.
Beaker If a tool used to measure volume. Some beakers shows both ounces and millimeters. A beaker can used to show how some mixture can separate into their original parts.
Graduated Cylinder Is another tool used to measure volume. Use a graduated cylinder to find the volume of a solid. The measurement tells you the volume of the eraser.
Measuring Temperature Temperature is measured in units called degress.