2H2009 My developerWorks – Viper release 1
Overview The key to My developerWorks is integration. We intend on improving the user experience from start to finish, from their first visit to developerWorks champion. Upgrade to LC 2.5 – Migrate existing community artifacts/UI to LC 2.5 Accessibility – Ensuring entire application suite is accessible SEO – Update My dW headers to have dynamic content & SEO for improved external search ranking Blogs Migration – Complete blogs migration to offer a single instance Internationalization - Have UI text strings in resource bundle files to be given to locale sites for translation Metrics - Update SurfAid URLs and provide profile create date, updated date & domain tables Performance - Akamaize My dW, optimize database and consolidate headers & footers Incremental profiling – Indicate your interests from within articles, forums and zone landing pages, and update your profile without opening My dW profiles. Custom registration – Simplified My developerWorks registration My developerWorks search – Search everything in My developerWorks from anywhere in My developerWorks Social networking integration - Promote your activity in My developerWorks on your Facebook profile; view your Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook accounts from your My dW profile/My home; Share My dW content with Twitter, Facebook, Stumbleupon, Digg, Slashdot Improved user interface for Profiles – Logically grouping profile sections into tabs based on user feedback, in-line editing Recommendations – Ability for dW to recommend content to users based on their interests/skills tags Forums integration – Pulling in Forums activity to profile; considering adding control for forums settings/signature within Profiles setting
Proposed Facebook Connect integration dW custom registration – one step
My home One of the biggest transformations will be in My home. Lotus Connections 2.5 features considerable updates and developerWorks will capitalize on the new functionality to recommend relevant content and integrate popular social networking apps. Two tabs – Updates (new!) & My page (existing widgets) Updates has five views + supports in-line recommendations per user interests Discover: Global view of activity across My developerWorks My network: Colleagues view of activity across My developerWorks My watchlist: A view of all My developerWorks’ activity filtered by username and/or tags (selected by the user) + dW recommendations, follow this blog My saved items: Activity the user has earmarked from across the other views My notifications: A global view of all received notifications (message center) My page has new customization features Change layout – two color or three column New edit UI Twitter widget Update your status (shared between My home and Profiles)
Watchlist – scope by tags & profiles, inline recommendations Saved stories – includes articles/forum topics “added to interests” during incremental profiling
Profiles Profiles undergoes many changes as well, allowing for users to communicate outward and interact with each other by means of the profile. developerWorks is taking feedback from users and stakeholders and making great strides towards improving the UE, and performance of the profile. Profiles landing page – Search + Status updates feed + All profile tags rolled up “Board” feature – post a message to a user’s profile “Status” feature – publicize your status from your profile Recent activity to include Forums, Downloads, Tagged articles, forums, spaces Expanded colleagues widget (more photos) Social networking apps integration – Facebook, LinkedIn Logical reorganization of profile content into tabs Edit your profile (inline); allow users to decide which fields to display publicly Improved interface for user “Interests” & tags Adding job title, education, updating roles to be more intuitive and task-based Ability to update display name Colleagues notifications surface in My home
Public profile – Persistent display of status updates, “The Board”, Tabs, Interests, Colleagues, Links, Facebook Edit profile – Update “My interests” in-line, Interests merged with tags, Add interests directly to “Watchlist” to see related activity.
Edit profile – Contact info with collapse sections. In-line editing; show/hide
Groups Lotus has added a lot of new features to Groups, allowing users to create a much more collaborative environment. Ability to associate blogs, activities, files, and wikis with a Group. Customizations Colored themes (may be reserved for dW specified use) Rearrange, hide, delete content widgets Improved search capabilities – search specific group, all or my groups Members’ widget + added member’s photos to member list; ability to sort by owners vs. members Invite non-registered members to join any Group Improved message board Subject pre-filled in response message Associates user’s photo & message count with user Highlight important topics by pinning them to the top of the message board
Blogs While there are improvements with My developerWorks blogs, the changes are intuitive and bloggers will not require additional education to get up-to-speed. Announcement widget – at the top of the My dW blogs landing page A blog can be associate with a Group “Group blogs” have a module in the left that maintains the imagery and linkage back to the Group. Photos of group members displayed Comments include a preview mode Blog author widget – photo of author(s) Themes are updated; Customization Ability to “Follow this blog” Bloggers must complete their profile during blog creation Complete My dW blog migration
Same great apps! Activities No significant updates besides the ability to integrate an activity with a group, activities notifications surface in My home. Bookmarks No significant updates, other than the ability to add a bookmark from the application without the plugin, bookmark notifications surface in My home.
Files A new application that Lotus adds to the Connections suite in 2.5 Files mirrors the feature/functions of Cattail. Upload and download files; add comments and recommend Users can create a collection – a group of files Seamless integration with Groups The main page of files – news events feed, indicates most recent updates Visibility settings: Private (by default), shared or public Version support (upload new versions of the same file) Tags
Wikis developerWorks (pending migration) will now be able to integrate Wikis under the same visual umbrella as the other community applications with the addition of Wikis to LC 2.5 Supports basic wiki functions Wiki editor has html source, rich text and preview tabs Page history Notifications on wiki page updates and comments Tags, Comments, attachments and recommendations Visibility Public Members of the wiki only Editing Anyone Designated managers of wiki