8 Week Old Puppy, F Yorkshire Terrier Limping 7 Month Old Puppy, M Rottweiler Diarrhea & Vomiting 5 Year old Dog, MN English Bulldog Red Skin & Bald Spots 10 Year old Dog, F Chihuahua Smelly Discharge & no appetite 11 year old dog, MN Golden Retreiver Limping & stiffness 1 year old Dog, FS Brittney Spaniel Shaking head, scratching at ears
You picked the puppy up from the breeder 2 days ago. She had her first set of shots that day. Yesterday she jumped off the chair and started crying when she landed. Since then, she will not put any weight on the leg. She seems otherwise healthy. She is eating and drinking normally You have had the puppy since it was 6 weeks old. You think the breeder gave it it’s first vaccination, but it’s been healthy ever since, so it didn’t receive any further vaccines. For the last week it has been vomiting and had diarrhea. It won’t eat or drink much and has just been laying around the house. You acquired this dog at the shelter 6 months ago. He received his vaccinations and was neutered before you adopted him. For the last 2 months he has been rubbing his back along the carpet and furniture. He also scratches his belly constantly. His skin is red and sometimes even bleeds because he’s scratching so much. The itching started when you changed his food to a cheaper brand a couple of months ago. You have had this dog it’s whole life. She gets a rabies shot every 3 years but you don’t give the annual vaccines. She has never been spayed. She came into heat about 2 months ago. The last 3 weeks she has been laying around a lot and hasn’t been eating or drinking as much. You noticed on her bed that there is a smelly, brown discharge. It seems to be coming from her vulva. You have had this dog since he was a puppy. The last year or so he seems to be getting slower and slower. He can’t jump in the back of the truck and when he first stands up after he’s been sleeping he really struggles to move. He’s current on his vaccines, eats/drinks well, and acts normally otherwise. You have had this dog since it was 8 weeks old. She had her last round of vaccines at 4 months old when she was spayed. You took her camping with your family. Ever since you went on a hike she has been shaking her head and scratching her ears so much that she cries.
7 week old kitten, M DSH Goopy Eyes 12 week old kitten, F DLH Sneezing & watery eyes 4 year old cat, MN Siamese Difficulty Urinating 6 year old cat, FS DSH HBC 12 year old cat, MN DMH BBD 9 month old cat, FS Ragdoll Swollen front paw
You were given the kitten a week ago from a friend. There is no vaccination history. It has been active most of the week that you have had it and is eating hard kitten chow. His eyes keep gooping up, even after you clean them You have had this kitten for a month. She got her first vaccines at 8 weeks and is due for the second booster now. You left her with a friend while you went out of town last week. Your friend has 3 cats. Your cat is sneezing and has watery eyes. The symptoms have been going for about 3 days. You have had this cat for a year. You adopted him from the shelter. He was up to date on his vaccinations when you picked him up, but you haven’t done anything since then. You have noticed that he goes to the litter box a lot more than normal. When he gets there he just cries and nothing happens. This has been going on for 3-4 days. You have had this cat since it was a kitten. It is up to date on all it’s vaccinations. You were outside and saw her coming down the dirt road to your house. It was in the road and got hit by a car. The cat will lift it’s head up and is meowing. There is a deep cut on the back leg. You brought in your neighbor’s cat because your German Shepard attacked it. It has several puncture wounds around it’s neck and shoulders. The cat is not responding much and seems in shock. Your cat is current on it’s vaccines. It has been limping on it’s front left paw for 3 days. It’s an outside cat and there are other wild cats around your house. You haven’t noticed any injuries. Otherwise the cat acts healthy and normal.
3 year old gelding Quarter Horse Deep puncture wound on chest 2 week old foal Paint Stopped Nursing 8 year old mare Quarter Horse Back leg caught in fence 18 year old gelding Quarter Horse Very thin, not eating well 10 year old mare Miniature Horse Swollen legs from knees down 2 year old mare Thoroughbred Just started breaking colt, limping
Your horse… Your horse…. Your horse…
Hamster Growth behind ear Rabbit Swollen face/jaw Guinea Pig Scratching a lot and losing hair Rabbit Dirty Ears Ewe Cut on shoulder Nanny Goat Swollen udder, kids stopped nursing
Your hamster… Your rabbit… Your guinea pig… Your rabbit… Your ewe…. Your goat…