An aerial photographer is a person who take photographs from an aircraft such as a airplane, helicopter, and satellite.
Common Work Activities Market and advertising services to attract clients. Analyze and decide how to compose a subject. Use various photographic techniques and equipment. Capture subjects in commercial-quality photographs. Enhance the subject’s appearance with natural or artificial light. Using photo enhancing software. Maintain a digital portfolio (usually a website) to demonstrate work.
Working Conditions and Physical Demands Being up in aircraft. Needing a steady hand to take proper photos. Having no fear of heights. Have to look out for the weather conditions if you will be in an aircraft.
Skills and Abilities necessary for this occupation. Having good timing while taking photos. Good positioning. How to operate the camera. How to maintain a portfolio.
Education/Colleges/Training Necessary Education: Photographic design and composition. Needs to have a high school diploma. Training: Years of practice with taking photos. Developing a portfolio. Colleges: Many colleges offer photography courses. Since Aerial photography is a specific term not many colleges offer it.
Career Path Have years of practice and experience with photos You have to want to become a Aerial Photographer. Have to go through the necessary schooling processes.
Wages in Aerial Photography In 2012 the average hourly wage was $ The annual wage for an Aerial Photographer is about 30,000.
Other Facts Aerial Photographers use different aerial vehicles such as hot air balloons, kites, and parachutes. Geography maps wouldn’t be what they are today without the photos they take. Aerial video recording is turning into an alternative to aerial photography.
Continued.. People made use of Aerial photography in The first person to have taken photos from extremely high in the air was balloonist Gaspard-Félix Tournachon. Some cameras are controlled by drones.
Interview Some questions you should expect while being interviewed for an aerial photography job: “Where did you hear of aerial photography?” “Do you have all the necessary equipment?” “Did you go to college for photography if so, how long were you there?”