Doctoral Study in Social Work Sue Lawrence
Research Degrees u London Metropolitan University offers a range of research degrees across its subject areas. u The two routes for Doctoral study are: MPhil/PhD Professional Doctorates
Research Degrees (MPhil and PhD) u A self-directed scheme of study, supported by a programme of research skills training u Research may be conducted across all disciplines, including social work u You need to have an outline research proposal prepared in order to apply u Once you have been accepted onto the programme, you can enrol at any point in the year, as agreed with your three supervisors.
Preparation for Research u 6 months from enrollment to register your proposal u Supervisory support is available during this time u Research Skills - Students undertake a programme of Research Skills Training to make sure they have the skills and support needed to complete their dissertation or thesis. u Students are encouraged to gain additional skills and knowledge in research methodologies by studying some of the taught modules on offer under the MSc Social Research and Evaluation, where approved by their Director of Studies.
Opportunities to study overseas u Students may also study while resident abroad, provided suitable local support and facilities are available. u Students are expected to maintain regular contact with their supervisors and to spend an average of six weeks a year at London Metropolitan University.
Details, application forms and guidance can be found at: u and click on ‘Research Degrees’ u Application forms can be downloaded from: and u click on ‘Forms and Documents’ u Course fees: Details from Admissions Office on +44 (0)
Professional Doctorate International Social Work The Professional Doctorate International Social Work is an innovative, part-time programme with a strong focus on European and international perspectives, social justice and social inclusion. It is located within the Department of Applied Social Sciences at London Metropolitan University
About the Programme Comparable to the PhD in terms of scale and rigour, it is aimed at busy social work professionals based either in the UK or overseas, who want to undertake a substantial investigation into an area of their current professional practice relevant to international social work.
Studying for the PDISW You can choose to study the taught programme (for the first two years) at London Metropolitan University or alternatively, two modules are delivered at Zuyd University in Maastricht. Both of the modules taught at Zuyd University and some of the London-based modules are delivered in four or five day blocks, in order to fit in around the needs of your busy professional life.
Studying for the PDISW (contd) u There is the opportunity to work with groups of colleagues with similar interests as well as with academics with expertise in a wide range of specialist subject areas. u The time expected to obtain the Professional Doctorate is normally five years.
During the first year students will take four taught modules: u Comparative Social Research (Maastricht Autumn block) AND u International Perspectives on Social Work (Autumn Block) OR u Social Professional Practice in Europe (Maastricht Autumn block)
AND 2 from the following 6 modules: u Evaluation: Principles and Practice (Summer block – May or July in 2010) u Researching Communities (Spring block – April in 2010) u Survey Design and Practice (Autumn Monday evening) u Qualitative research (Autumn Thursday evening) u Qualitative Data Analysis (Spring Wednesday evening) u Quantitative Data Analysis (Spring Monday evening)
Year Two During the second year there will be one year-long module concentrating on preparation for the forthcoming thesis plus a year long systematic literature review dissertation. Modules: u Thesis Preparation, Planning and Proposal u Literature Review Dissertation
From Year Three From Year three students will be working on their thesis of 40-60,000 words (including the 15,000 Literature Review), individually supervised by joint supervisors
Academic Resources The Professional Doctorate International Social Work benefits from its London location in the Department of Applied Social Sciences, where you can work alongside academics and research staff and develop further links with other academics and researchers both in London, in Maastricht and in other cities and countries.
Entry Requirements u You will normally hold a relevant Master’s degree, obtained from a UK university or overseas equivalent. u You will also have a professional social work qualification or equivalent And u Two years post-qualifying experience.
How to apply: For further information contact : u The Course Leader Sue Lawrence by at u Click on –The Graduate School- Research Degrees - ‘Professional Doctorate International Social Work’ u Course fees: Details from Admissions Office on +44 (0)