Mission 24/7 Re-building the walls of the city
What to do during Corporate Prayer Time Cultivating a focussed prayer life one hour at a time
One Hour to change the World 1. Calling on the Name of the Lord El Shaddai –the All sufficient One Yahweh-Shalom – the Lord gives rest Yahweh Ropheka – the Lord who heals you
One Hour to change the World 2. Praying for personal revival Prayerfully consider these questions: Is there any unconfessed sin in my life? Do I harbour unforgiveness or bitterness in my in my heart? Are there any doubtful practices or activities in my life? Do I promptly obey the Holy Spirit in all things? Am I confessing Jesus unashamedly?
One Hour to change the World 3. Unsaved families, friends & individuals Pray for their salvation Blessing spiritually, socially, emotionally Pray for their felt needs
One Hour to change the World 4. Praying for the Church Congregations to be restored a houses of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7) Local churches reaching out the real needs of their communities (Matt.22:37-40) Restoration of relationships in local church and between local churches (Divisions, pride, jealousy, etc.)
One Hour to change the World 5. Pray for individual needs Physical Emotional Spiritual
One Hour to change the World 6. Watching and listening Ask God to reveal Himself to you Ask Him to reveal His will for your life (strategies/plans) Write some things that He wants you to pray about
One Hour to change the World 7. Praying the Word Take time to pray through 2-3 Psalms with every prayer session.
One Hour to change the World 8. Pray for Global Challenges HIV/AIDS pandemic (immoral behaviour) Corruption on levels, ungodly covenants Racism & racial hatred and ethnic pride Witchcraft & idolatry
One Hour to change the World 9. Praying for the Nations Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church (Europe) Godly and mature spiritual leaders (Africa) Multiplication of committed disciples (China) That kings and governments will submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ (North Korea)
One Hour to change the World 10. Pray for Leaders & Pastors For men & women to live righteous lives in integrity (Ex.18:21) Praying men & women that will lift up holy hands without wrath and doubt (1Tim. 2:8) Men & women, willing to endure hardship, prepared for every good work, not generating strife, being gentle, patient & humble. (2Tim.2:1-22)
One Hour to change the World 11. Reconcile people to God & one another Families Churches & denominations Races & ethnic groups Countries Breaking of strongholds, structures & political systems that destroy lives of people. (North Korea, Zimbabwe, etc.)
One Hour to change the World 12. Praise & worship & thanksgiving
Revival Prayer Goal 24/7 Prayer Movement “On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the LORD in remembrance, take no rest, and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in the earth. (Isaiah 62:6,7) Awaken the watchmen 24/7 Prayer Watches in every suburb Every believer engaging in 24/7 lifestyle of prayer