Assessment policy Fundamental principles Assessment for learning Assessment of learning Recording Reporting Reflect what is known to be effective teaching and learning through your policy Sharing learning intentions Questioning Use of feedback Formative use of summative assessment Assessment is wider than the N.C.
Teachers’ section Baseline Target setting and tracking pupil progress View of the class Planning Feedback to children Other records Liaison with parents and reporting to parents Managers’ section Monitoring progress and attainment Using end of KS information- data analysis
The teacher will have a record for each child at the start of the year and will track pupil progress. In at least Reading Writing Maths c - just into the level b - level describes where the child is working a - nearly the next Never Occasionally Frequently Always Naturally
Five pieces of information for target setting and tracking Each child’s attainment at the end of the last key stage Target for the end of the next key stage Child’s assessment at the beginning of the academic year Target for the end of the academic year Review of progress towards the target part way through the year
Different roles for markers Editor - helping to re-write or improve the next piece of writing / learning Proof -Reader - correcting errors and trying to ensure those errors are not repeated next time. Examiner - grading or levelling work Monitor - checking that the work has been done (Mumby, 1996) Talk about feedback for learning - which may be oral or written (marking is only a part of feedback)
Things to look for in the data Where children are within a level Attainment at both level 2 and level 3 (Key Stage 1) Attainment at both level 4 and level 5 (Key Stage 2) Progress from the child’s starting point Differences in subjects Look for pattern - gender, ethnicity, an ability group,mobile children...
Monitoring performance Individual pupils who need support Groups that need support Staff or departments that need support Area for whole school training Highlight differences in attainment between pupils from different racial groups Ask why these differences exist, test the explanation given Review how effective the current targets and objectives are Decide on further action and monitor its effectiveness
Useful websites for assessment co-ordinators: AAIA: National Curriculum in action: