Past medical and family history (PMH)
There are eight components of past medical history.(PMH) An accurate family history is a well-established method for recognizing genetic disorders. It remains one of the most powerful “genetic tests” to indentify individuals at risk from inheritable diseases when laboratory tests are not available. Early Identification of families with increased risk for chronic diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes and certain cancers can often improve , delay or even prevent adverse health outcomes to individual members.
1. Past illnesses: Patients may forget some illnesses but remember more recent ones. They can be vague about some details, even adults.
2. Childhood illnesses: Patients remember childhood illnesses if they were traumatic or if they took a long period off school, e.g. chicken pox, mumps, measles. Also ask about unusual illnesses.
3. immunization: Important information, especially for children and women of childbearing age. Patients don’t remember details.
4. Surgical procedures: Some patients understand little about surgical procedures and some may not even know the reason for their hospitalization or exploratory investigations
5. Accidents and injuries: Be aware of repeated injuries in woman( might indicate domestic violence) and the elderly (may need help or referral to social services). Repeated injuries might possibly indicate drug or alcohol abuse.
6. Pregnancy: Ask all women of child- bearing age about pregnancy and related problems. Difficult for some to discuss abortion or miscarriage.
7. Allergies: Patients may not think to mention allergies to medication and food, but will remember hay fever, etc. Presenting complaint may be a reaction to food or current medication.
8. Medication(s): Patients forget to mention Over-the-counter medications and vitamins. Reluctant to mention alternative medicines and medication prescribed by another.