© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Understanding the Role of the CMDB in ITIL March 5, :00pm EST, 11:00am PST George Spafford, Principal Consultant Pepperweed Consulting, LLC “Optimizing The Business Value of IT”
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Housekeeping Submitting questions to speaker –Submit question at any time by using the “Ask a question” section located on lower left-hand side of your console. –Questions about presentation content will be answered during 10 minute Q&A session at end of webcast. Technical difficulties? –Click on “Help” button –Use “Ask a question” interface
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Main Presentation
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Agenda What Configuration Management's role is under ITIL Change Management's Role in Controlling the CMDB An overview of the architecture of a CMDB The need for automated systems to facilitate processes Example ITIL data exchanges For a copy of today’s webcast PPT, please –George at: –Kendra at:
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation The fundamental objective of ITSM is to deliver services that meet customer requirements And to do this we need timely accurate information
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation IT Enables the Attainment of Objectives and Goals
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Necessitates Teamwork, Planning & Oversight To achieve the goal requires proper management and a holistic vision – the creation of silos must be avoided!
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation IT Process & Function Integration is Key The power of ITIL lies in its systemic integration of processes areas – not simply piecemeal adoption Any single process in isolation will reach a level of diminishing returns As Goldratt has taught us, to optimize the throughput of a system requires optimization of the system – not just one area Continuous improvement requires a systemic mentality of adoption and continuous refinement Each area both draws information from, and supplies information to, other processes and functions
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Configuration Management Enables Integration ITIL tells us that “Configuration Management provides a logical model of the infrastructure or a service by identifying, controlling, maintaining and verifying the versions of Configuration Items (CIs) in existence.” But what does this mean? Configuration Management provides information about CIs to all the other processes Think in terms of a database The Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is the nerve center of IT –It relates all the data together, provides workflows, access to files, etc. –It can be one database or integrations into multiple sources (federated models) The CMDB contains the data and processes that binds the ITSM processes and the organization together
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation More Than Technology Configuration Management is not just about technology Need the right people –Culture –Tone from the Top –Training –Motivation Need the right processes –Designed for the organization –Factoring in: Organizational goals Functional area objectives Constraints After you understand processes and requirements, then you need the right technology People Processes Technology Outcomes
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Configuration Items (CIs) These are categories of data that you must track and are modeled using data tables –Hardware – PCs, Servers, Network Equipment, etc. –Software – Operating Systems, Applications, Tools, etc. –People – IT staff, business staff, vendors, etc. –Accommodations/Environment – Locations, data centers, wiring closets, etc. –Data – tables, interfaces, etc. –Documentation – Policies, work instructions, SLAs, rollback plans, incident records, problem records, request for change, etc. –Services Business processes – sales, accounts receivable, etc. IT Services – What IT provisions to enable the business An ITIL “secret” is that nearly everything is a CI. The establishment of these CI-types, their attributes and relationships enable a logical model of IT
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Attributes These are the data fields for each CI What would you need to know in order to manage the CI? A unique Identifier, model, status, purchase price, vendor, date purchased, IT owner, RAM, drive space, CPU type, …? CI vs. Attribute –You can decide based on value, costs and risks –CIs are used when relational data is needed to honor normalization of data, security, etc. “Is this data I will need to re-use in multiple places?” Annex 7C of the Service Support volume offers suggestions on attributes.
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Relationships The power of Configuration Management lies in relationships Parent Relationships -- What assembled/compound CIs uses this CI as a component? Child Relationships -- If this is an assembled/compound CI, what component CIs make it up? RFC Records -- Need to relate this CI to all request for change made against it. This may be the same as the change record IDs but it's listed separately here. The reason is to show all RFCs -- accepted and rejected; Change History Records -- Relate this CI to all changes made to it. This allows for the Change Manager and other stakeholders to gauge historical activity; Problem Records -- What problems have this CI been associated with? Incident Records -- What incidents have this CI been associated with? …and whatever else is needed for Service Level Management, Capacity Management, Security, IT Service Continuity Management and so on. The more you add the more complex the data model becomes
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Avoiding Irrelevance The possibilities and headaches are limitless Accuracy is absolutely vital!! A complex system that is difficult to update will not be used and/or errors will creep in If the system is out of date, then the data is out of date so people use it less as the system of record and the data gets further out of date and people use it less and … –The downward spiral begins Your design must be meaningful and manageable –Capture what you need – not what you can
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation CMDB Tooling Notice we discussed processes first! Tools come after process definitions not before.
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Because the CMDB is a logical model of your infrastructure and will be used to support your people, processes and technology, you must formally identify requirements prior to either buying or building it.
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Questions That Get Asked What do we have? Where are they? How do they relate? How are they configured? Who should I talk to? How does the business use them? What’s the history of each device? What has caused failures in the past on device X? What changed? (THE most important question to ask when an incident starts!)
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation The Need for Automation What goes into the CMDB represents a tremendous amount of data!! Manual stand-alone records are not realistic options due to the level of integration and volume of data coupled with the need for security, data integrity, etc. Need systems that can automate the management of data records while maintaining referential integrity Need integration capabilities to support federated models that facilitate –Access to timely and accurate data –Normalization of data Coordination of activities in decentralized operations Need to generate meaningful consolidated reports A robust security model that supports the business
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Configuration Management and Auto-Discovery It seems simple to buy a tool to discover everything on the network and drive the data into the CMDB? One question though – “Why did the CI change or suddenly appear?” A green fairy doesn’t appear at 2am and reconfigure devices or change code randomly Someone likely made the change – why? Most errors in the CMDB are caused by Change Management failures –Excluding typos/data entry errors of course –The CMDB says 16GB of RAM yet there are 128GB – Why? –The CMDB says release 1.35 is installed yet it really has 1.50 – Why? Need to reconcile these detected changes *before* simply accepting them –Who, why, is it a security event? –The only acceptable level of unauthorized change is zero!!! Note standard change model in ITIL before panic sets in For regulatory compliance, reconciling changes is mandatory –Otherwise, how will auditors know that all changes were authorized?
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation High-Level Tool Considerations (1) Know your requirements first! Do not buy a tool and then attempt to make it all work! –This will be the heart of your ITSM effort – make the investment count –There isn’t a silver bullet answer – you need to define your specific requirements –ITIL recommends all mandatory requirements be met and 80% of operational requirements –Must support the business – not just IT Select an experienced vendor who is stable and proven! –A CMDB is too critical to gamble on fly-by-night vendors –A clearly articulated and proven ITSM implementation Important Note - “ITIL Compliant” is a marketing term not standards based
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation High-Level Tool Considerations (2) Look for the following high-level features –Extensible data model Federated CMDBs –Extensible Workflow Adaptable to your requirements Automation of related transactions –Open Platform / Integration to Other Systems Within the enterprise Moving into the value chain –Enterprise Class Database Security Ability to support remote sites (very important)
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Data Exchange Examples Based on ITIL Each process has data inputs and outputs Configuration Management is the hub The data exchanges will depend on your needs Try to design your process first and then your tool second –Easier said than done if you have an existing tool!!
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Change Management Can IT manage risks associated with changes to services? Management of all Request for Change (RFC) records –Add, change, delete Status of changes Identification of related CIs to facilitate impact assessments Identification of CI Owners for planning and communications Configuration audit exceptions –Production did not match the CMDB Current CI configuration for planning the change Relevant SLAs Information on proposed cost and benefit of each Change (as part of the Change record) NOTE: Nothing should change in the CMDB without an approved RFC!
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Release Management Can IT reliably deploy new and changed services into production without negatively impacting the business? Release Management records CI information for the Definitive Software Library (DSL) –What CIs are needed to create the Release? CI information for the Definitive Hardware Store (DHS) –What CIs are needed to build the hardware for the Release? CI audits –Pre-release to determine what production looks like –Post-release to confirm that only what was expected to change actually changed –Think of the thousands of files that can change – this is where an automatic detective control can make a big difference CI information to plan the release –Facilities – what racks are available? How much power is there? –Who needs awareness information? –Who needs training? –What documentation needs to be updated?
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Incident Management / Service Desk Can IT assist users in the speedy recovery of services or service requests? Service Desk Scripts are CIs Service Requests and Incident Records are CIs Information on the CI(s) involved including relationships Details on caller (the caller is a CI!) Business CI Owners IT CI Owners Supplier / Vendor Service Level Agreements Matching data –Related Incident Records –Related Problem and Known Error Records –Established Work Arounds –Change Records – What Changed? Escalation protocols Alerts and/or Alarms from monitoring tools –You want to create Incident records (which are CIs)
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Problem Management Are root causes established to address trends and/or prevent incidents from occurring? Information on the CI(s) involved including relationships Details on caller (the caller is a CI!) Business CI Owners IT CI Owners Supplier / Vendor Service Level Agreements Related Problem and Known Error Records Established Work Arounds Escalation protocols Information for Problem analysis –CI History –Recent Changes
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Service Level Management Are the needs of the business understood and consistently met? Service Level Agreement Documents Operating Level Agreements Underpinning contracts CIs that make up services –Hardware, Software, People, Documentation, Other Services, etc. Who are the Customers and/or System Owners? Incident Records for review Problem Records for review Performance relative to SLAs Quarterly Business Reviews –Reports –Meeting Minutes Service Improvement Programs (SIPs)
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Availability Management Can IT provision services the are available when the business needs them? What CI’s make up a service Relevant Service Level Agreements Availability targets Performance relative to targets –Breaches –Near Misses –Trends CI data used for analyses –Component Failure Impact Analysis (CFIA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Capacity Management Can IT provision services with adequate capacity to meet the needs of the business both now and in the foreseeable future? Identification of CIs that constitute services Service Level Agreements Thresholds for Alerts and Alarms –Incident records arising from monitors are CIs Business Requirements IT Service Requirements Component CI Requirements Review of Incident Records for service improvement Capacity Plan is a CI Capacity Reports are CIs Note: ITIL defines a Capacity Database (CDB) –Allows for monitoring data details to be stored outside of CMDB –Summarized data could be shared with the CMDB
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation IT Service Continuity Management Can IT support the organization’s Business Continuity Plan (BCP)? What CIs make up each service How are the production CIs configured? How are the DR site CIs configured? Change Management records Relationship data facilitates Business Impact Assessments (BIAs) Plans can be stored in the CMDB Recovery targets and performance are CIs Test plans and results are CIs
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation IT Financial Management Are the costs and value of IT understood? What CIs constitute a service Purchase Costs, dates, vendor, etc. Loaded hourly rates for people Operating costs Budgets CI Owners / Customers User Departments Chargeback models / schedules Notional Chargeback Reports Value studies
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Security Is the organization relatively secure to operate without negative consequences from external entities? What CIs constitute a service Baseline configuration Unauthorized changes that have been detected User access approval records Security device configuration (hence need for sound security models of the CMDB itself) Business Impact Assessments Security Incidents Risk Assessments (could tie out to an ERM system)
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Continuous Improvement Is Key Like any process, you must pick a place to start and begin Understand what you need and pursue that Refine Configuration Management, the CMDB and all of ITSM over time It’s a journey –Your organizations will evolve –Your processes must evolve to support the needs of the business * Adapted from ITIL Service Support Graphic
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation I keep six honest serving men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When and Where and How and Who. -- Rudyard Kipling
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Process References The Official OGC ITIL Site Microsoft’s Operations Framework British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA) IT Process Institute’s Visible Ops Methodology PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge Projects in Controlled Environments version 2 (PRINCE2)
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Thank you for the privilege of facilitating this webcast George Spafford Principal Consultant Pepperweed Consulting Optimizing the Value of IT Daily News Archive and Subscription Instructions
© 2007 Jupitermedia Corporation Questions?
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