The Laws of Motion and Gravity By Stanley
What are the laws of motion and gravity. The laws of motion and gravity were created by sir Isaac Newton. Sir Isaac Newton was the first person to really understand gravity when an apple fell on him from a tree. The laws of motion and gravity are Newton’s way of explaining how the universe works.
How many laws were there? T h r e e l a w s o f m o t i o n a n d o n e l a w o f g r a v i t y.
The first law of motion. The first law states an object will stay at rest until acted upon by a force. It also states that and object will that is in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by a force. Another name for this law is called The Law of Inertia.
The second law of motion. The second law states that the greater the mass of the object the more force needed to move the object. When moved it produces acceleration. The basic equation for the second law is F=M A or in other words Force=Mass times acceleration. If you had a car that has the weight of 100 kilos and you can only move it 1m than the force is 100 newtons, because you must times the mass times acceleration.
T h e t h i r d l a w o f m o t i o n. The third law states that for every action there is an opposite and equal re-action. Example: If you were shooting a Gatling gun the re-action would be you going backwards that’s why when people shoot them they go backwards. When the military looks for people to use these types of guns they hire people with a strong amount of mass to withstand the re-action from the flurry of bullets.
The law of gravity. This law explains to us humans of how the planets (especially the Earth) orbits the Sun. Example: There are two masses in motion the Earth and the Sun, the Earth would be overwhelmed by the Sun’s gravity if not for the distance of separation which is r. But the Sun’s gravity is still a whole lot stronger than the Earth’s so it makes the Earth spin and orbit around it. Same with the Moon if not for it’s gravity it would fall to Earth but instead it orbits us.
Quiz 1.What is another name for the first law of motion. 2. Give three examples of re-actions 3. What is the basic equation for the 2 nd law of motion
Answers 1. The Law of Inertia 2. Re-actions 3. F=M A
Bibliography du/Participants/louviere /Newton/newton.html du/Participants/louviere /Newton/newton.html du/Participants/louviere /Newton/newton.html du/astr161/lect/history/ newtongrav.html du/astr161/lect/history/ newtongrav.html du/astr161/lect/history/ newtongrav.html
Glossary Newtons, is the measurement of how much force is being used. Mass, weight or size of an object or really anything. Acceleration, how fast the velocity is. Velocity, speed with direction.