DYING & DEATH Maddie Mallett, Lorelle DeWitt, Kaylin Fussell, Melanie Ripple, & Emily Cantu 3A Psychology // Southward // Chapter 5 Story Project
OLIVER WINDELTON One day, when Oliver was at the doctor, he found out he had leukemia. Unfortunately, Mr. Windelton, you have cancer.
DENIAL At first, Oliver was in denial about his diagnosis. He demanded to see a new doctor because he thought his was incompetent. This CANNOT be happening to me. My doctor was wrong!!
ANGER Next, Oliver was angry at the fact that he had Leukemia. He screamed on the rooftop saying “Why, God? Why?” But it was useless. WHY, GOD? WHY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
BARGAINING He then tried to bargain his way out of having Leukemia. Oliver tried to be a good person so that he wouldn’t have to face his terminal illness. I promise I’ll help an old lady across the street, as long as this cancer doesn’t kill me! Please!!
DEPRESSION However, once he figured that bargaining would not work, Oliver went into a state of depression, where he realized he would soon have to say goodbye to everyone he loved. I can’t believe I won’t be with my family anymore...
ACCEPTANCE Finally, Oliver accepted his Leukemia. He figured that if this was his fate, he would only need to accept it to fulfill his life. Cancer has just given me purpose, I can YOLO now!!
THANATOLOGY These different stages of coping experienced by Oliver are a part of thanatology – the study of dying and death.
HOSPICE Nearing his death, Oliver decided to live in a hospice – a facility designed to care for the special needs of the dying. This hospice makes me feel so much more comfortable about my Leukemia. Thanks, doc!