Real time air pollution modeling and dissemination of location based information using mobile devices Azeez.P.A. 1 and R. Mohanraj 2 Research personals: Nishadh.K.A. and Aswathy.P.V 1- Director, Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Anaikatty Post, Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 2- Asst. Professor, Department of Environmental Management, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu
Current status on air pollution monitoring domain Air pollution problem Real time air pollution monitoring initiatives Current focus on low cost sensors
Objectives 1.Develop Sensor Observation Service (SOS) for spatially distributed air quality sensors and real time meteorological data website. 2.Develop real time air quality modeling web processing service using the SOS, validate and compare it with similar other models. 3.Develop a Geo-SMS based android application to disseminate the modeling result. The Project 1.Data collection and organization 2.Data processing 3.Data dissemination
OGC standards
Tools Data collection and organization SOS for web pages (on going) SOS for sensors in GSM mode (on going) SOS for imageries Data processing WPS for data filter and image analysis Data dissemination: query and visualization GeoSMS Android app (on going) QualitySCHU (on going)
Data collection and organization: SOS for web pages Weather Underground API TNAU WebPages Selenium Script With cron job html pages Scrapy with cron job Mysql database Python script to CSV SOS importerSOS Python Script with cron job Json
Tamil Nadu Agriculture Weather Network (TAWN) website and location of AWS stations in Coimbatore districts
Scrapy spider code
Data collection and organization: SOS for sensors in GSM mode Android App with map GeoSMS onclick Mysql database Python script to CSV SOS importerSOS Mobile particulate monitor Bluetooth Module Android Tablet Shenyi Dust sensor Arduino Server and Gammu Dylos air quality monitor Raspberry pi GSM data card Server and Gammu
Dylos air quality monitor and Raspberry pi single board computer
Dust sensor based Android Arduino mobile monitor
Data collection and organization: SOS for imageries Filter image particulate monitor MODIS data repository PyMODIS With cron job Tiff imageries Metadata with image link Mysql database Python script to CSV SOS importerSOS Python Script with cron job for Image capture Image received by Server with metadata and image link
Real time particulate matter monitor based on filter image analysis, design and prototype
Data processing: WPS for data filter and image analysis SOSWPSR script Data filter Image analysis
52° WPS installation in the server PyWPS installation in the server
GeoSMS Android app Mobile atlas creator Sqlite based offline map Android appGeoSMS on click
Air quality here app
QualitySCHU Open Layer maps SOSPoint overlaysWPS
QualitySCHU web map installation in the server
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