A guide for parent involvement at North Schuylkill High School
The North Schuylkill School District is committed to keeping parents involved in the school community The purpose of this presentation is to inform you of ways that you can keep involved in your child’s education
The North Schuylkill Website, located at is the hub for locating information and communicating with the school.
There is a scrolling news feed at the bottom of the page that has the most updated information about the happenings in the district.
The daily announcements are posted on the NS webpage. The announcements include updates on sports, available college scholarships and college visits, as well as other happenings in the school.
Every teacher also has a homework helpline blog. The blogs not only list homework for your child’s class, but also include what is happening in the classroom on a weekly basis. A directory of the blogs can be found on the NS webpage.
Every teacher and staff member has an address where they can be reached. You can find this contact information under Secondary Staff, located on the NS website.
When is the big game? Check it out on the Sports schedule link on the NS webpage.
Hoe is Johnny doing in Algebra? Look at his grades at any time using eSchoolbook.
Want to get involved? The NSSD has a Parent- teacher organization in the elementary school. The PTO meets once a month and provides opportunities for you to get involved in all sorts of programs at the elementary school. The high school has the Spartan Loop, which organizes events for our students. To become a member of either organization, you must fill out an application and pay a $2 fee.
Is school cancelled, or do we have a delay or early dismissal? The NSSD has designed a phone system, which will call your home, office, or cellular phone to inform you of any weather-related cancellation delay or dismissal. The phone number listed on your child’s registration is automatically entered into the system. To add additional phone numbers, contact the school office.
Check out the Parent Resources page on the NS Website or contact the school office.