May 07 Executive Assistant Network Identifying your true Event Objectives (to get the outcomes you expect and want) Jonathan McIlroy, Director, Executive Assistant Network
May 07 Executive Assistant Network My Background Over 10 years events experience responsible for events organized throughout Europe, USA, Asia & Australia Types of events include political meetings and conferences, business retreats, team building activities, conferences & exhibitions….plus much more Organized events for my own companies, companies I worked for, the public, other corporations, industry associations Noticed that throughout the world people often organize events for the wrong reason or without regard to the outcomes they want from their events
May 07 Executive Assistant Network So why do we organize events? Praise from executives?
May 07 Executive Assistant Network So why do we organize events? The praise and adoration from an ecstatic audience?
May 07 Executive Assistant Network So why do we organize events? The financial rewards that come with doing a great job?
May 07 Executive Assistant Network Why do our companies have us organize events? “I think we should do something nice for our clients” “I think we need some kind of team building event to bring the staff closer together” “I think we need to hold a planning retreat to look at how we will meet our targets for next year” “I think we need to hold a national manager’s conference to ensure all our business unit heads know what others are doing” “I think we needs to do something nice for our staff at Christmas to reward them all for their hard work”
May 07 Executive Assistant Network Beware people with simple ideas And those too busy to tell you what they really expect
May 07 Executive Assistant Network “The Establishment is a great venue. Let’s hold it there” Great yes – fabulous actually……but what for?
May 07 Executive Assistant Network Note to self – people expect my events to be great Never forget your reputational risk Absolutely never forget your organization's reputational risk
May 07 Executive Assistant Network It’s not just about what you say and what the audience hears The effects of multiple layers of communication with the emotional effects of numerous sensory experiences Cognitive dissidence Your company’s values, image and reputation Remember “The Establishment!!”
May 07 Executive Assistant Network Event types and event objectives What different event types have you been asked to organize? What different objectives have those meetings or events had? How often have you organized events with just one objective? How often have your organized events with multiple objectives?
May 07 Executive Assistant Network Forget the details…...until you know truthfully what ALL the objectives and desired outcomes for the event are Prioritize your objectives Then consider your budget, then your timeline…..then, and only then, consider the details
May 07 Executive Assistant Network Event Objectives Summary Sheet Educate your executives Question your executives – you will risk coming across as obtuse Produce a summary for your executives – get them to sign off on this
May 07 Executive Assistant Network Objectives questions What is the nature of the event? What is the event intended to achieve? What specific reaction do you want from attendees (think senses, emotions, relationships, brand management, company values)? Event format, intended geographical location Event date – is that flexible? Who should attend and why? What messages are being delivered and by whom? Is there a set budget?
May 07 Executive Assistant Network The WOW factor Events are supposed to be fun – for those who attend and for those who organize them – so sorry for all the boring planning stuff You need a WOW factor – but beware the Oh!-Oh! factor
May 07 Executive Assistant Network The Oh!-Oh! Factor Sometimes there is nowhere to hide!!
May 07 Executive Assistant Network Organizing great events is all in the detail….. …..but forget these at the outset Meticulous planning and preparation lead to fantastic results