Stronge Teacher Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System Data Sources The Stronge Evaluation System is based on the extant research related to the qualities of effective teachers. Notice that the word, “effectiveness” is right in the name of the system. We chose the graphic to illustrate that teacher effectiveness is reflected in their students’ achievement.
Teacher Responsibilities Having knowledge of the content, students, and curriculum Planning instruction that meets student needs and curricular requirements Offering appropriate and engaging instruction Assessing student work Providing a safe and secure learning environment Demonstrating professionalism and communicating effectively Increasing student achievement Let’s talk for a moment about a teacher’s responsibilities? (Discussion) Here is a list. Notice that these describe the seven teacher performance standards.
Limitations of Observation Observe 3 to 4 classes per year (.4% of performance) Classroom responsibilities only Subject to evaluator bias Focus on process of teaching versus outcomes Inspector model of evaluation Typically, teacher evaluation systems have focused solely on the use of one data source--observation. This data source provides data regarding a portion of a teacher’s responsibilities. What are some of the issues you have experienced with observation? (Discuss) Here are some of the limitations.
Multiple Data Sources for Teachers Enhancing Teacher Quality: Questioning Multiple Data Sources for Teachers Documentation Log Student Learning Objectives Observations Surveys As you saw in the previous presentation, rather than just using observation, the Stronge Evaluation System uses multiple data sources. We will talk about each source individually. Teacher Evaluation TQR Teacher Quality Resources, LLC (c) 2005
Observation Intended to provide information on a wide variety of contributions made by teachers in the classroom or to the school community as a whole. May take a variety of forms Formal observation Informal observation Walk-through observation May occur in a variety of settings Classroom environment Non-classroom environment Observations can be conducted in a variety of settings and take on a variety of forms, including quick, drop-by classroom visits, to more formal, pre-planned observational reviews using validated instruments for documenting observations.
Formal Observations Directly focused on teacher performance standards May not see all standards in one observation May include review of teacher artifacts or student data Announced or unannounced Should be at least 20 minutes in duration Non-tenured teachers observed at least three times per year Tenured teachers observed at least once per year Additional observations at building administrator’s discretion Pre-observation conference at request of teacher or administrator Evaluator provides feedback during post-observation conference In a formal observation, the evaluator conducts a structured or semi-structured, planned observation--either announced or unannounced--typically of a teacher who is presenting a lesson to or interacting with students. During this observation, the evaluator may not see all of the performance standards and may wish to review various teacher and student artifacts to provide a more complete picture. Each formal observation must be of at least 20 minutes duration. The school district may increase the number of minutes as desired. Non-tenured teachers should be observed at least three times a year, preferably twice in the first semester to provide formative feedback. The third observation should occur prior to March 1. School districts may modify this time schedule as desired. Tenured teachers must be observed at least once a year. Additional observations are at the building administrator’s discretion. Pre-observation conferences are optional; post-observation conferences are mandatory. There are specific observation requirements for the school districts participating in the EE4NJ Cohort 2. Districts should adhere to those more stringent requirements. Participants in EE4NJ Cohort 2 have specific observation requirements
Sample Formal Observation Form Directions: This form is to be used for both tenured and non-tenured teachers. Observers should use the form to provide feedback to teachers about the observation. Teacher’s Name Date Observed Time 1. Professional Knowledge The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, and the developmental needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences. Effectively addresses appropriate curriculum standards. Integrates key content elements and facilitates students’ use of higher level thinking skills in instruction. Demonstrates ability to link present content with past and future learning experiences, other subject areas, and real world experiences and applications. Demonstrates an accurate knowledge of the subject matter. Demonstrates skills relevant to the subject area(s) taught. Bases instruction on goals that reflect high expectations and an understanding of the subject. Demonstrates an understanding of the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of the age group. Communicates clearly and checks for understanding. Evidence: 2. Instructional Planning The teacher plans using the state’s standards, the school’s curriculum, effective strategies, resources, and data to meet the needs of all students. Uses student learning data to guide planning. Plans time realistically for pacing, content mastery, and transitions. Plans for differentiated instruction. Aligns lesson objectives to the school’s curriculum and student learning needs. Develops appropriate long- and short-range plans and adapts plans when needed. Here is an example of a formal observation form. There are other observation forms provided in your teacher handbook. School districts may modify this form as they see fit. You have a sample of a completed formal observation form included in your training materials Abbreviated for training purposes
Informal Observations Provide more frequent information on wide variety of teacher contributions Classroom and non-classroom settings Less structured than formal observations No specified duration Occur throughout the year Evaluator completes observation form; provides copy to teacher Informal observations provide information on a variety of teacher contributions and may occur in a variety of settings. Evaluators are encouraged to conduct informal observations by observing instruction and non-instructional routines at various times throughout the evaluation cycle. These informal observations typically are less structured than formal observations. There is not specified duration for informal observations, although they are typically of shorter duration than formal observations. These observations are documented using an appropriate observation form. Evaluators will provide feedback from informal observations through any appropriate means. (Typically, walk-through observations are designed to provide brief (three to five minutes) visits in multiple classrooms. While walk-through visits can be helpful in checking for standard instructional practices or for vertical and horizontal curriculum articulation across the school, evaluators should be cautious in relying on these visits for individual teacher evaluation as, generally, they are not designed for teacher evaluation.)
Sample Informal Observation Form 1. Professional Knowledge Addresses appropriate curriculum standards Integrates key content elements and facilitates students’ use of higher level thinking skills Demonstrates ability to link present content with past and future learning Demonstrates an accurate knowledge of the subject matter Demonstrates skills relevant to the subject area(s) taught Bases instruction on goals that reflect high expectations Demonstrates an understanding of the knowledge of development Communicates clearly Specific Examples 2. Instructional Planning Uses student learning data to guide planning Plans time for realistic pacing Plans for differentiated instruction Aligns lesson objectives to curriculum and student needs Develops appropriate long- and short-range plans and adapts plans Specific Examples: 3. Instructional Delivery Engages students Builds on prior knowledge Differentiates instruction Reinforces learning goals Uses a variety of strategies/resources Uses instructional technology Here is an example of an informal observation form. There are other observation forms provided in your teacher handbook. School districts may modify this form as they see fit. You have a sample of a completed informal observation form included in your training materials Abbreviated for training purposes
Documentation Log Demonstrates teacher’s professional competence in regard to meeting performance standards – teacher’s voice in evaluation Complements classroom observation Includes both specific required artifacts and teacher-selected artifacts Helps to clarify instructional relationship between lesson plans, student work, and assessments; should include analysis and reflection More concise than portfolios; district needs to relay expectations Property of teacher; reviewed by evaluator at least annually Artifacts of a teacher’s performance can serve as valuable and insightful data source for documenting the work that teachers actually do. They give the teacher an opportunity to demonstrate evidence of meeting the performance standards. The items included provide evaluators with information they likely would not observe during the course of a typical classroom visit. We have provided a list of examples of documentation that might be used to demonstrate evidence of meeting the standards. School districts may modify this list and may make some items required or leave them as optional. The emphasis is on the quality of work, not the quantity of materials presented. Teachers should not be creating artifacts specifically for the Documentation Log; rather, they including artifacts they create in their normal day-to-day operations. It is important for school districts to make their expectations for the Documentation Log clear.
Sample Documentation Log Cover Sheet Standards Required Item Examples of Evidence Evidence Included 1. Professional Knowledge Transcripts of coursework Professional Development certificates Annotated list of instructional activities Lesson/intervention plan Journals/notes that represent reflective thinking and professional growth Samples of innovative approaches developed by teacher 2. Instructional Planning Evidence of using data about student learning to guide planning and instruction Differentiation in lesson planning and practice Analysis of classroom assessment Data driven curriculum revision work Examples: - Sample lesson or unit plan - Course syllabus - Intervention plan - Substitute lesson plan - Annotated learning objectives 3. Instructional Delivery Annotated photographs of class activities Handouts or sample work Video/audio samples of instructional units This is a portion of the Documentation Log Cover Sheet. You can see that it suggests various artifacts. The school district may choose to make some items required. A complete Documentation Log Cover Sheet may be found in your training materials. Abbreviated for training purposes
Student Surveys Provide students’ perceptions of how teacher is performing -- direct knowledge of classroom practices Assist teacher in setting goals for continuous improvement (formative evaluation) Age considerations for survey Surveys are anonymous Actual responses seen only by individual teacher Survey summary form included in documentation log Student surveys represent an additional source of information regarding teacher performance. The purpose of a student survey is to collect information that will help the teacher set goals for continuous improvement (i.e., for formative evaluation). There are four different surveys that teachers can administer: Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. The surveys are aligned to the performance standards. School districts may modify how the survey is administered, but we recommend that the teacher administer the survey prior to the end of the first semester so that he or she can use the results to help improve his or her practice (end of first quarter if it is a semester course). The teacher collects the results and uses a survey summary sheet to reflect on what the students perceived as strengths, weaknesses, and what he or she might do to address the weaknesses. The survey summary sheet becomes part of the Documentation Log.
Sample Grades K-2 Survey Example: I like to eat pizza. 1. My teacher listens to me. 2. My teacher gives me help when I need it. Here is an example of the types of questions on the K-2 student survey. Abbreviated for training purposes
Sample Grades 6-8 Survey Example: I like listening to music. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Example: I like listening to music. 1 2 3 4 5 1. My teacher gives clear instructions. 2. My teacher shows respect to all students. 3. My teacher handles classroom disruptions well. 4. My teacher helps me to be organized. Here are some questions students in middle school might see. Abbreviated for training purposes
What are some of the possibilities and pitfalls of using student surveys? Teachers receive feedback from the receivers of their services Teachers can use as a formative evaluation to improve practice Concern that results are based on popularity Surveys might not ask the right questions Surveys might not ask the right students. Advantages of Student Surveys Students are the primary consumers of the teacher’s services. They have direct knowledge about classroom practices on a regular basis. Students have the breath, depth, and length of experience with the teacher. They are in the key position to provide information about teacher effectiveness and they can discriminate the quality in their teachers’ performance. In addition, student observations of teachers are unobtrusive and occur in the most naturalistic settings. Students’ perceptions are beneficial for teacher improvement. Teachers look to their students rather than to outside sources for indications of their teaching performance. Concerns about Student Surveys There is ample evidence to support the use of student surveys in teacher evaluation. We will talk more about this issue on the next slide. Student surveys should be restricted to descriptions of life in the classroom. They should be based on discrete and visible behaviors as a way to increase reliability. Student survey data for multiple years may be needed to establish patterns of performance. No matter how solid the survey instruments are, good sampling procedures are still needed to generate quality data. Surveys intended for use in evaluation should reflect a cross-section of the teacher’s student population.
What does research say about usability and reliability of survey data? Secondary students reliably rate teachers Elementary students demonstrate adequate reliability for rating teachers Student ratings of teachers are a significant predictor of student achievement—better than parent or administrator ratings There is ample evidence to support the use of student surveys in teacher evaluation. Research consistently has indicated that students from Kindergarten to high school can provide reliable and useful information related to teacher effectiveness. Students have the ability to provide perspectives that principals cannot offer. Researchers who compared students’ ratings of meritorious and non-meritorious teachers with ratings from expert practitioners found that the students were able to discriminate between meritorious and non-meritorious teachers as well as the qualified evaluators. Researchers have also compared the validity of ratings by students, principals, and the teachers, themselves. They found students’ ratings were the best predictor of student achievement, thus demonstrating that students provide valid feedback on teacher performance. Faucette, Ball, & Ostrander, 1995; Stronge & Ostrander, 2006; Wilkerson, Mannatt, Rogers, & Maughan, 2000
Recommendations for Interpreting Survey Results Review results and ask yourself the following questions: Is the information your students provided about you accurate? If you agree that the information is accurate, are you satisfied with the students’ perceptions about you? If you believe the information is inaccurate, do you know why your students have these perceptions? Do you need to make changes to improve your students’ perceptions? If you think changes are justified, consider using the student data to set a personal or instructional goal for improvement. Teachers should review the results and reflect on the questions listed above.
Sample Student Survey Summary Form Here is a sample of the Student Survey Summary Form. A complete form may be found in your training materials Abbreviated for training purposes
Student Learning Objectives Student Learning Objectives used for both teachers of tested and non-tested grades and subjects Percentage of Standard 7 weight determined by state Appropriate measures of academic progress are determined Teachers set objectives for improving student progress based on the results of performance measures Quality of the objectives and their attainment provide an important data source for evaluation The New Jersey Educator Effectiveness Task Force has recommended that Student Achievement (Standard 7 in the Stronge Evaluation System) account for 50% of the evaluation for teachers of tested grades and subjects and between 15%-50% for teachers of non-tested grades/subjects (New Jersey Department of Education Notice of Grant Opportunity, March 2012). A portion of Standard 7 may be determined by Student Learning Objectives. Setting learning objectives based squarely on student performance is a powerful way to enhance professional performance and, in turn, positively impact student achievement. Student Learning Objectives are designed to improve student learning. Depending on grade level, content area, and learners’ ability level, appropriate measures of learner performance are identified to provide information on learning gains. Performance measures may include standardized test results as well as other pertinent data sources. Teachers set objectives for improving student progress based on the results of performance measures. The Student Learning Objectives and their attainment constitute an important data source for evaluation. We will spend a majority of the session tomorrow exploring Student Learning Objectives.
Sample Student Learning Objectives Progress Form Here is a sample of a Student Learning Objectives Progress Form. A complete form may be found in your training materials. Abbreviated for training purposes
Data Collection Responsibility Data Collection Procedure Form(s) Evaluator Teacher Measures of Academic Progress Student Learning Objectives Form Reviews/ approves Selects/ develops Informal Observations Informal Classroom Observation Form Formal Observations Formal Classroom Observation Form Student Surveys Student Survey Forms (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) Student Survey Summary Documentation Logs Documentation Log Cover Sheet Self-Assessment Optional Teacher Self-Assessment Form As you saw in the overview presentation, data collection is a shared responsibility between teachers and evaluators. You’ll notice that self-assessment is also included on this chart. Teachers reflect on their practice throughout the evaluation process by reflecting on their goals and strategies used to achieve them, they reflect on items they place into the Documentation Log, and they reflect on the results of the student survey. Should teachers wish to reflect in a more structured manner, the teacher handbook contains an optional self-evaluation form teachers may use.
Sample Self-Assessment Form Here is an optional sample Self-Assessment Form. A completed sample form is in your training materials. Abbreviated for training purposes
Multiple Data Sources Performance Portrait Observations Documentation Student Learning Objectives Observations Documentation Log Surveys Multiple data sources provide for a comprehensive and authentic “performance portrait” of the teacher’s work. Performance Portrait