Background Information Depression is a mental illness There are three types of depression There a four types of self harm Can depression run in families? Depression is a mental illness, that affects your moods and the way you feel. The three types of depressive disorders are major effective disorders, other specific affective mood disorders, and atypical affective disorders. The three types of self-harm that are usually seen are major self-mutilation, stereotypic self-mutilation, and superficial self-mutilation. Weather or weather no depression is genetic is still a big conflict. With my family history I do believe it can be genetic.
Research Question How can teen depression be detected early enough to prevent suicide, cutting, violence and drug abuse? My research question is How can teen depression be detected early enough to prevent suicide, cutting, violence and drug abuse? I feel that this has become a big issue in our society, if we could find away to prevent these things from happening it would be a chain reaction, stop one and it effects the others.
Why I pick depression in teens My reason for choosing this topic is depression runs in my family. The reason I decide to do my project teen depression, is because I was just diagnosed with depression this year, and thought it would be good for me to understand what I am going through. I also would like to be able to help others though their tuff times. Also it seems to me that teens with depression get treated differently from their classmates, just because they may act a bit different from you does not make them weird, they have an illness that they cant control.
Research Paper Depression is a misunderstood illness Different types of depression Depression has some server side effects My research was about the what can cause a teen to be depressed, which was the home and school environments. I also talk abut the types of depressive disorders, major effective disorders, other specific affective mood disorders, and atypical affective disorders. There are two subcategories for major effective disorders, which are major depression and bipolar disorder. The essential feature in major depression is normally frequent dysphonic moods or a loss of interest in all or all most all usual activities. Normally the symptoms appear over a period of days or weeks, and are persistent. Major depression affects twice as many women as men. Untreated major depression can last from four months to a year. Bipolar disorder affects one-third of Americans that have a depressive illness. In this illness, a person goes between two moods- soaring into an elevated manic mood, and then crashing into a depression. The second type of mood disorder is other specific affective mood disorders. The first subcategory is dysthymic disorder. Dysthymic disorder is similar to major depression, but the symptoms are less severe and fewer in number. Cyclothymic disorder is characterized by numerous periods of depression alternating with numerous periods of mild mania (hypomania). The depressed and hypomanic periods may be separated by periods of normal moods, lasting for several months. The last category of mood disorders is atypical affective disorders. The first subcategory is atypical bipolar disorder. This category includes people with manic symptoms that cannot be classified as bipolar disorder or as cyclothymic disorder. Atypical depression includes people with depressive symptoms that cannot be diagnosed as a major affective or dysthymic disorder. Another thing I brought up in my paper was the three types of self-harm, major self-mutilation, stereotypic self-mutilation, and superficial self-mutilation. Major self-mutilation is the most extreme form of self-injury. It is called “major” because although the injurious acts occur infrequently, a great deal of tissue is removed or destroyed. Some forms of major self-mutilation include self-castration and amputation of a limb or extremity, like a hand foot, or eye gouging. As a result, major self-mutilation often causes permanent disfigurement. It is most often associated with psychotic states or acute drug intoxication. This type of self-mutilation is not often found in depressed teens, but it can occur, if the teen is majorly depressed. Stereotypic self-mutilation consist of fixed, often rhythmic and repetitive, patterns. The most common form of Stereotypic self-mutilation is head banging. Other forms of Stereotypic self-mutilation are pressing thumb or fingers hard against the eyeballs, and biting the fingers or arms. Stereotypic self-mutilation is most commonly seen in the institutionalized mentally retarded, but can also occur in autistic, psychotic, or schizophrenic people. Superficial self-mutilation or cutting is most common in teens. All though superficial self-mutilation is the least lethal form of self- injury; it can develop an addictive quality and become an overwhelming preoccupation for the victim. Superficial self-mutilation usually is a significant indicator of emotional distress, this form of self-injury is not lethal. Superficial self-mutilation can develop addictive qualities. The sever side effects can be the use of drugs, self-harm, violence, and suicide.
Interview Teens have different takes on there depression Talking to someone can help Bullying starts at home Not every depressed teen is suicidal I interviewed Fran Ekerson, she is a therapist at Insight Associates in Milford. I was surprised by the information she gave me. The information she gave me greatly helped me understand my topic and be able to write more about it. I learned that the interpretation my be the same but the way a person feels when they are depressed is rarely the same. Just because a teen cuts does not mean there suicidal, home environments can greatly affect the teen.
Thesis Depression in teens is a major issue in our society and teen should know how to deal with this ailment. My thesis is that “depression in teens is a major issue in our society and teen should know how to deal with this ailment. “
Thesis One in eight may suffer from depression 30% receive any sort of intervention or treatment Many teens now day have undiagnosed or untreated depression My thesis is that “depression in teens is a major issue in our society and teen should know how to deal with this ailment. “ The information that backs up my thesis is that 1 in 8 teens suffer from depression, a small 30% receive any sort of intervention or treatment. Many teens also seem to be living with depression but I has yet to be diagnosed.
Empirical Data Empirical data- survey to se if people new the signs of depression Left blank answer
Product Informational pamphlet on self harm in teens For my product I made a informational pamphlet of types of self-harm, it has the tree types of self harm and the two types of concurrency in self harm.
Learning Stretch Talking to someone you not know can be scary but after you do it you realize how easy it is Do not rush but do not procrastinate ether Try to connect with your topic I has one of the people that did not always keep up on my project I fell behind, and trust me it was not easy getting up to speed. If you have a connection with your topic then it will make it easier to be able to learn about it.
Conclusion I came to the conclusion that while it may be a difficult process, we need to try and show teens that they don’t have to get perfect grades, look like models, or be famous to be accepted in society and achieve great things. The pressure put on them can cause depression to occur, which can lead to self-harm and/or suicide.