Contents: Definitions Requirements of e-Learning Benefits Of e-Learning Goals of e-Learning Summary Glossary References
1. Definitions Definitions of e-Learning on the Web: Any learning that utilizes a network (LAN, WAN or Internet) for delivery, interaction, or facilitation. This would include distributed learning , distance learning (other than pure correspondence ), CBT delivered over a network, and WBT . Can be synchronous , asynchronous , instructor-led or computer-based or a combination. cai.au.edu/concept/glossary.html
1. Definitions Definitions of e-Learning on the Web: Covers a wide set of applications and processes such as Web based learning, computer based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. It includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio and videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, and CD-ROM. www.cybermediacreations.com/glossary.htm
1. Definitions Definitions of e-Learning on the Web: E-learning most often means an approach to facilitate and enhance learning by means of personal computers, CDROMs, and the Internet. This includes email, discussion forums, and collaborative software. Advantages are seen in that just-in-time learning is possible, courses can be tailored to specific needs and asynchronous learning is possible. E-learning may also be used to support distance learning through the use of WANs (Wide area networks) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elearning
2. Requirements of e-Learning To Join e-Learning , the following requirements have to been satisfied: Students may be required to purchase or rent new computer equipment. Technical difficulties or operator error may hamper students and instructors, so they must trained to be familiar with any new technologies. Students and instructors may have gaps in their computer knowledge in such areas as Windows, so they will require training in computer basics before they can start the online learning training.
2. Requirements of e-Learning Using telephones lines and Internet service providers to access Internet services, when required, leads to high user fees in many parts of the world. Initial costs of developing courses may be considerable, depending on the approach taken. Instructors may need to become familiar with electronic text books; Internet-based research material, copyright, and other e-learning related topics. Internet bandwidth must be robust enough to support the desired level of multimedia. People working in the e-Learning field at an individual location may be pioneers and not have the support of a network of more experienced colleagues.
3. Benefits Of e-Learning (Learner Side) e-Learning fosters interaction among students and instructors. Interaction stimulates understanding and the recall of information. Accommodates different learning styles and fosters learning through a variety of activities that apply to different learning styles. Fosters self-paced learning whereby students can learn at the rate they prefer. Convenient for students to access any time, any place. Reduces travel time and travel costs for students.
3. Benefits Of e-Learning (Learner Side) Encourages students to browse information through hyperlinks to sites on the worldwide Web and there by find information relevant to their personal situations. Allows students to select learning materials, or to be directed to content that meets their level of knowledge, interest and what they need to know to perform more effectively in their particular activity. Provides context sensitive help (Electronic performance support systems) to computer users and helps them complete tasks on-the-fly. Develops knowledge of the Internet that will help learners throughout their careers.
3. Benefits Of e-Learning (Instructor Side) e-Learning permits instructors to develop materials using the world-wide resources Web. Allows instructors to communicate information in a more engaging fashion than in text-based distance education programs. e-Learning offers a wide-range of text, diagrams and images with video and sound, including virtual reality technology that in the future will improve the effectiveness of the approach even further. Convenient for instructors to access any time, any place. Reduces travel and accommodation costs.
3. Benefits Of e-Learning (Developer Side) E-Learning sets a framework for standardized course delivery. Allows developers to design once and use the same module in several programs, by using ‘template-like’ learning objects. Promotes the orderly layout of course materials, assignments and general administration through a Web site.
4. Goals of eLearning Goals of eLearning Goal 1: All students and teachers will have access to information technology in their classrooms, schools, communities and homes. Goal 2: All teachers will use technology effectively to help students achieve high academic standards. Goal 3: All students will have technology and information literacy skills. Goal 4: Research and evaluation will improve the next generation of technology applications for teaching and learning. Goal 5: Digital content and networked applications will transform into teaching and learning.
Summary E-Learning is the online delivery of information, communication, education, and training. eLearning provides a new set of tools that can add value to all the traditional learning modes-classroom experiences, textbook study, CD-ROM, and traditional computer based training. E-Learning will not replace the classroom setting, but enhance it, taking advantage of new content and delivery technologies to enable learning.
eLearning Glossary Asynchronous Learning Synchronous Learning Computer Based Training (CBT) Correspondence Course Distance Learning Distance Training e-Learning e-Learner Instructor-led Training (ILT) Online Learning Online Training Web Based Training (WBT)
Asynchronous Learning – Any learning event where interaction is delayed over time. This allows learners to participate according to their schedule, and be geographically separate from the instructor. Could be in the form of a correspondence course or eLearning . Interaction can take use various technologies like threaded discussion. Synchronous Learning – Any learning event where interaction happens simultaneously in real-time. This requires that learners attend class at its scheduled time. Could be held in a traditional classroom, or delivered via distributed or eLearning technologies.
Computer Based Training (CBT) – Training or instruction where a computer program provides motivation and feedback in place on a live instructor. CBT can be delivered via CD-ROM, LAN or Internet. Creation is done by teams of people including instructional designers, and often has high development costs. Correspondence Course - A course completed from a distance using written correspondence for interaction and to submit assignments. Correspondence classes became popular in the 1890’s.
Distance Learning – Learning where the instructor and the students are in physically separate locations. Can be either synchronous or asynchronous . Can include correspondence , video or satellite broadcasts, or e-Learning . Usually implies the higher education level. Distance Training - A reference to distance learning for the corporate or professional levels. More commonly referred to as distributed learning , WBT or e-Learning .
E-Learning – Any learning that utilizes a network (LAN, WAN or Internet) for delivery, interaction, or facilitation. This would include distance learning (other than pure correspondence ), CBT delivered over a network, and WBT . Can be synchronous , asynchronous , instructor-led or computer-based or a combination. E-Learner – Any learner taking part in an eLearning course or program. Instructor-led Training (ILT) – A learning event which is led by an instructor , and either held in a physical location or delivered via a network ( WBT , eLearning ). Usually implies the professional or corporate level and synchronous learning.
Glossary Online Learning – e-Learning over the Internet (as opposed to a local or wide area network). Online Training – Same as online learning , only it implies the professional or corporate level. Web Based Training (WBT) - Training which is delivered over a network (LAN, WAN or Internet). Can be either Instructor-led or Computer Based . Very similar to eLearning , but it implies that the learning is in the professional or corporate level..
References www.cybermediacreations.com en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elearning http://cai.au.edu/concept/index.html UPINAR (Student Guide)