About System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management
Agenda Automation Orchestrator Service Management Automation Orchestrator VS SMA Conclusion
Process automation that simplifies cloud management Integration Integrate into existing systems with PowerShell integration modules Build additional PS modules to enable integrating into other systems Orchestration Accelerate time to value with flexible process workflows Improve service reliability across multiple tools, systems, and department silos Automation Enable Cloud providers to focus on work that adds business value Reduce error-prone manual activities while lowering costs Optimize and extend existing investments Deliver flexible and reliable services Lower costs and improve predictability
Include the right people You NEED to include people who understand process and technology This is a strategic and tactical tool. Examples of people to include… Service Desk manager System Center technology lead IT Leadership Including the right people = success
Decisions – Which process automate ? What work process has the biggest payoff? … will my customers notice the difference? … how am I articulating the value? Incident Management (symptom management) Service Request Management (Move, Add, Change) Change Management (IT Changes) Risk and Compliance (Operations)
PLAN TO TRANSFORM PROCESSES… A great tool doesn’t make a bad process better… Transform the processes Work it out in a worksheet ahead of time Look at the end result Set the vision
What is Orchestrator Automate processes in your data center, regardless of hardware or platform. Automate your IT operations and standardize best practices to improve operational efficiency. Connect different systems from different vendors without having to know how to use scripting and programming languages.
Orchestrator Architecture
Automation by Runbooks
Orchestrator - Demo
Service Management Automation AKA SMA
What is SMA ? Run and manage runbooks to integrate, orchestrate, and automate IT business processes. Set of tools that is integrated as the Automation extension in Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server. Runbooks run on the Windows PowerShell workflow engine.
SMA Components Web service ◦Connects to Windows Azure Pack ◦Distributes runbook jobs to runbook workers ◦Supports HTTPS ◦Enables security group to control access Runbook worker ◦Executes runbook jobs ◦Runs under a service account PowerShell module ◦Enables Automation management by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets
SMA Architecture Authoring Debugging Operating Service Management Portal Runbook service PowerShell Modules Runbook Workers REST oData web service Authorizes users Web Service Runbooks Runbook Resources Tracks runbook job state SMA Database
Creation a SMA Runbook
Automation by Runbooks
Automation by Runbooks (2)
SMA - Demo
Orchestrator VS SMA
Should I use Orchestrator or SMA? ORCHESTRATOR Automate business processes and IT operations in your data center without scripting or programming. You can also use PowerShell cmdlets to run other System Center 2012 components/Cmdlets. Let you use integration packs that are not covered by PowerShell. (Example : Leveraging Service Manager) SMA “new future way” of building Runbooks based on PowerShell Workflow. Automate processes within the Windows Azure Pack. (Runbooks for tenants / admins) Runs Windows PowerShell workflows, you can also use PowerShell cmdlets to run other System Center 2012 components/Cmdlets. Provides 64bit support with PowerShell workflow
Orchestrator VS SMA The death of Orchestrator has been greatly over exaggerated. They are definitely separate solutions in the same “ISO”.
Automation is Awesome !! Including the right people = success A great tool doesn’t make a bad process better
Phase and Manage scope Don’t try to bite off the whole thing at once Succeed end-to-end on each process List off features, move other features to next phases Something ALWAYS comes up… plan for that Determine your ROI for your requests Deploy automations which benefit your business
Orchestrator - References ess/archive/2013/09/18/free-ebook- system-center-designing-orchestrator- runbooks.aspx Orchestrator- Unleashed/dp/ /ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8-1&keywords=orchestrator+unleashed
SMA - Links Introduction to Service Management Automation service-management-automation.aspxhttp://blogs.technet.com/b/privatecloud/archive/2013/08/09/automation-an-introduction-to- service-management-automation.aspx TechNet Library
Onze Sponsoren
Microsoft - Links Download the Evaluation: Windows Server 2012 R2 Download the Evaluation: Windows Server 2012 R2 Download the Evaluation: Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Download the Evaluation: Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Microsoft Virtual Academy Microsoft Virtual Academy
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