California Condor Gymnogyps californianus By: Joel Fiedler Birds of Prey California Condor Gymnogyps californianus By: Joel Fiedler
Characteristics of a bird of prey. A hooked beak. It catches food with talons.
Diet Deer, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, pigs, cougars, bears, or cattle and sometimes rabbits, coyotes, whales, sea lions, salmon. They also were said to eat mega fauna. Mega fauna
Physical characteristics Wingspan up 10 feet 47 in. long
D.D.T. D.D.T. Stands for dichlorodiphnyltrichloroethane
Habitat California shores.
population Right now there are 300 or more California condors
Behavior The California condor loves to bath in mountain streams and then likes to dry off in the hot sun.
Extra facts Japan calls the California condor a flying garbage can