America’s eagles! The Bald Eagle Became the National Emblem for the United States in 1782 and remained a symbol of valor and freedom throughout our history. The Golden Eagle Was considered for the national bird however because it is also found in Europe and Asia it was not chosen.
The Bald Eagle History The bald eagle, symbol of freedom was also chosen as the American National Bird in 1782.The eagle was the central figure on the National Seal, on most coinage, paper money, and many stamps. Originally, the Golden Eagle was featured on the seal, but since the Golden Eagle lives in Europe and America, it was replaced by the Bald Eagle.
…not everyone agreed!! –Benjamin Franklin was noted to completely disagree with the appointment of the bald eagle as the National Bird. He accused the bird of having bad moral character and being a coward. He felt the Turkey was a much more respectable bird and a true original Native of America. I wonder if we would still eat turkey on Thanksgiving if the turkey was our National Bird.
The bald eagle started becoming endangered in the 1950’s. By 1960, there were less than 500 pairs of bald eagles. Their cause of death was mainly due to poison and pollution. The poison D.D.T., that Rachel Carson fought so hard to ban, caused their eggs to soften and break during incubation.
There’s Hope!!!!! In 1995 the bald eagle was taken off the endangered species list due to an increase in the population of the bald eagles.In order for this increase to take place, the Game Commission started breeding bald eagles from about There are now about 5,000 nesting pairs.
EAGLE PAGE Click on the line below to learn more about The Bald Eagle and The Golden Eagle!
Questions And Answers From The Bald Eagle Expert! swerEagle.html#38
web.htm Click On The Picture Below To See A Location Map Where You Can Observe The Bald Eagle
All You Need To Know About Eagles Is Here! Click On the Picture!!
Click on the picture to send an eagle card to a friend! /eaglecards.htm
Adopt A Bald Eagle or Endangered Animal University Of Minnesota Foundation The Raptor Center C/o Healthy Planet 1700 Corporate Circle Petaluma, CA