Prestige Panels Structural insulated panels (or structural insulating panels ), are a composite building material. They consist of an insulating layer of rigid polyisocyanurate foam sandwiched between two layers of structural board. They easily fit into each other, insulating while building the structure of the house. Saving you time, energy, money and manpower. Rough construction stage of a building can be realized within a few days with Prestige Panels.
Prestige Panel Installation:
Prestige Panels are Eco-Energetic The Eco-Energetic Solution: Prestige Panels are the most energy efficient and preferred GREEN Building Systems by quality builders, developers and home owners. A well-built home using Prestige Panels will have a tighter building envelope and the walls will have higher insulating properties than a comparable framed building, which leads to fewer drafts and a decrease in operating costs.
Prestige Panels structural advantage: STRUCTURALLY STRONGER THAN CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS : Prestige Panels are stronger due in part to having dual shear panels. They have undergone exhaustive testing by third-party testing firms. In the real world, Prestige Panels houses have survived earthquakes and hurricanes when the stick-built houses around them were destroyed. Prestige Panels houses can withstand wind stronger than 360 km/h (225 mph). A lot higher than a category 5 hurricane (155 mph or 249 km/h).
High Density Polyisocyanurate Insulation Insulation MaterialR-value Range Thickness to Match 3.5" of PIR (R-value:27) PIR (Polyisocyanurate)R /inch3.5inches PUR (Polyurethane)R /inch4.7 inches PolystyreneR /inch6.2 inches CelluloseR /inch7.4 inches FiberglassR /inch8.1 inches OSB SheathingR 1.25/inch21.8 inches PlywoodR 1.25/inch21.8 inches Concrete BlockR 0.25/inch109.2 inches BrickR 0.2/inch136.5 inches Superior performance in fire tests The most thermally efficient rigid insulation on the market
Realizations Venezuela
Realizations Iraq Malaysia
Realizations Iraq
Realizations Modular Houses Outland camps
Realizations Contractors (Builders) Self-Builders
Projects Future projects in the Middle East (Maghreb) and South America
Projects Social Housing
Projects Social Twin Houses
Product Certifications ASTM E72, Section 9 – Compression Load Testing on Wall Panel Samples For Prestige Panel Solution Inc. Report No C0025B ASTM E72, Section 14 – Racking Load Testing on Wall Panel Samples “capable to sustain winds of 224 mph (higher than a category 5 hurricane)” For Prestige Panel Solution Inc. Report No C0025A ASTM E72-05, Section 11 – Transverse Load (Bag Method) For Prestige Panel Solution Inc. Report No M0117 CAN/ULC-S102 – Surface Burning Characteristics of “Insulated OSB Panels” For Prestige Panel Solution Inc. Report No (B) ASTM E 84 – Surface Burning Characteristics of “Insulated Magnesium Oxide Panels” For Prestige Panel Solution Inc. Report No (C) ASTM E 84 – Surface Burning Characteristics of “Insulated Fiber Cement Panels” For Prestige Panel Solution Inc. Report No (A) ASTM E 96/E 96M - 05 – Water Vapor Permeance of “Insulated Magnesium Oxide Panels” For Prestige Panel Solution Inc. Report No M0075-MgO ASTM E 96/E 96M - 05 – Water Vapor Permeance of “Insulated Fiber Cement Board Panels” For Prestige Panel Solution Inc. Report No M0075-FibC ASTM E 96/E 96M - 05 – Water Vapor Permeance of “Insulated OSB Panels” For Prestige Panel Solution Inc. Report No M0075-OSB