Achieving Continuous Improvement in Client Satisfaction Brian Marson and Faye Schmidt Service and Innovation, Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada
Management Commitments The Results for Canadians management philosophy is based on four commitments: citizen focus values responsible spending achieving results
Citizen-Centred Service and the Management Board Agenda Better service for Canadians is central to this Agenda. To achieve it, the Government of Canada is implementing three major initiatives to: Focus directly on client satisfaction Service Improvement Initiative Improve citizen access Service Canada Modernize service delivery Government On-line
Policy Framework All departments and agencies directly serving citizens will adopt a systematic approach to service improvement planning integrated with their annual business planning process; Client satisfaction will be measured at least annually for key services to the public using the Common Measurements Tool metrics; set a minimum 10% client satisfaction improvement target, to be achieved over the next five years; Targets and performance against targets (client satisfaction and service standards) will be measured and reported annually in departments’ RPP/DPR documents; Accountability for results, “from Clerk to clerk”; TB President’s Awards will be established for excellence in improving client satisfaction
Service Improvement Initiative: Improving Service Performance In May, 2000 Treasury Board approved the Service Improvement Initiative and a policy framework for a results-based approach to continuous service improvement The initiative and policy framework are based on the recommendations of an interdepartmental committee on service improvement (ACSI) and will continue to be driven by the service community
Service Improvement Initiative: Improving Service Performance The Committee found that public sector best-practice organizations use a results-based approach to continuous improvement of client satisfaction, integrated with the annual business planning process Analysis of 260 departmental examples suggests: targeted service improvement planning exists in pockets; client satisfaction rates have increased by up to 40%; a systematic results-based approach is not widespread.
Example: Canada Economic Development Client Satisfaction with IDEA - SME Program Quality of Service in General
Example: Environment Canada Prairie and Northern Region (HR Branch) Client Satisfaction with HR Services
Example: Continuous Improvement in Client Satisfaction at the US Postal Service NATIONAL PERFORMANCE TREND 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 96-4 97-1 97-2 97-3 97-4 98-1 98-2 98-3 98-4 99-1 99-2 Index Value National Accts. Premier Accts. Business Accts. Residential New Survey Contract Changes
Five Key Drivers of Citizen Satisfaction Five Key Drivers of Citizen Satisfaction Explain 70% of the Variance in Service Quality Ratings Timeliness Courtesy, Comfort Knowledge, Competence Timeliness Is By Far The Most Powerful Driver - When One Driver Fails, It Is Most Often Timeliness Fair treatment Outcome Source: Erin Research Inc. Citizens First, 1998.
Results-based Service Improvement Planning and Implementation Measure Clients’ Satisfaction Where Are We Now? Measure Clients’ Expectations & Priorities Where Do Our Clients Want Us To Be? Staff Involvement Set Targets & Develop Service Improvement Plan How Will We Get There? Implement, Monitor, Measure & Ensure Accountability How Do We Make It Happen?
Results-based Service Improvement Planning and Implementation Measure Clients’ Satisfaction Staff Involvement Where Are We Now? Where Do Our Clients Want Us to Be? How Will We Get There? How Do We Make It Happen Set Targets & Develop Service Improvement Plan Measure Clients’ Expectations & Priorities Implement, Monitor, Measure & Ensure Accountability Measure Clients’ Satisfaction Departments and agencies with significant direct service delivery activities will: Adopt a comprehensive continuous improvement planning and implementation approach Establish documented baseline measures of client satisfaction for key services to the public using Common Measurements Tool metrics
Results-based Service Improvement Planning and Implementation Staff Involvement Where Are We Now? Where Do Our Clients Want Us to Be? How Will We Get There? How Do We Make It Happen Set Targets & Develop Service Improvement Plan Measure Clients’ Expectations & Priorities Implement, Monitor, Measure & Ensure Accountability Measure Clients’ Satisfaction Departments and agencies with significant direct service delivery activities will: Measure clients’ expectations and identify priorities for service improvement Measure Clients’ Expectations & Priorities
Results-based Service Improvement Planning and Implementation Departments and agencies with significant direct service delivery activities will: Set explicit targets to increase citizen satisfaction with government services - a minimum objective of 10% improvement by 2005 compared to 1998 Citizens First, or organizations own year 2000 baseline survey Adopt and publish core service standards for each service channel that are linked to clients’ expectations Prepare annual service improvement plans based on clients’ priorities for service improvement. Staff Involvement Where Are We Now? Where Do Our Clients Want Us to Be? How Will We Get There? How Do We Make It Happen Set Targets & Develop Service Improvement Plan Measure Clients’ Expectations & Priorities Implement, Monitor, Measure & Ensure Accountability Measure Clients’ Satisfaction Set Targets & Develop Service Improvement Plan
Results-based Service Improvement Planning and Implementation Departments and agencies with significant direct service delivery activities will: Monitor, measure, and report results as part of the annual RPP/DPR reporting cycle using common government-wide metrics including: service standards for key public services; performance against these standards; annual improvement in client satisfaction; progress towards satisfaction targets. Incorporate results-based service improvement accountability for managers into existing performance management systems, commencing with DMs. Measure Clients’ Satisfaction Where Are We Now? Measure Clients’ Expectations & Priorities Where Do Our Clients Want Us to Be? Staff Involvement Set Targets & Develop Service Improvement Plan How Will We Get There? Implement, Monitor, Measure & Ensure Accountability Implement, Monitor, Measure & Ensure Accountability How Do We Make It Happen
Service Improvement Initiative Implementation ADM Steering Committee (ACSI) will guide the implementation of the initiative Overall government -wide objectives will be balanced with the need for departmental flexibility by allowing departments to set: the pace and rollout toward 5 year objective service standards and monitoring satisfaction targets for program and service level TBS will provide support, tools and lessons learned
Improving Citizen Satisfaction: The Implementation Process PHASE ONE Implementation of the SII Guidelines in Lead Departments 2000-2001 LEAD DEPARTMENTS Establish client satisfaction baseline benchmarks; Service Improvement Plans based on client priorities; Set targets for satisfaction improvement; Action on key client priorities Identify, monitor and report performance against service standards; ALL DEPARMENTS Identify and report on client-driven service standards Establish client satisfaction baseline benchmarks PCO DM accountability accords 2001-2002 PHASE THREE Annual Departmental Service Improvement Planning & Reporting 2002-2005 Dept’s report progress towards 10% improvement targets in annual performance reports Set annual client satisfaction targets SI Plans based on clients’ priorities Action on clients’ service priorities Report on performance against client-driven service standards Dept’s measure client satisfaction annually using CMT metrics ALL DEPARTMENTS PHASE TWO All Departments Measure Client Satisfaction and Plan Improvements LEAD DEPARTMENTS Set annual targets for client satisfaction improvement Service Improvement Plans based on clients’ priorities Action on key clients’ priorities Report on performance against service standards Report client satisfaction against baseline ALL DEPARTMENTS Set annual targets for client satisfaction SI Plans based on client priorities Action on key client priorities Report performance against client- driven service standards TREASURY BOARD Standards/Results in President’s Report Initiate President’s Service Award …...Clear and measurable service satisfaction goals
Together, improving citizen satisfaction, …a new focus and measure of success.