The Bair Foundation
TBF PQI Information Packet (T-04)PQI Information Packet (T-04)
Assess, evaluate and improve service delivery To have input from all levels of staff within the organization – this means your input is very important To ensuring that quality of care is being met Problem identification and resolution Utilizing stakeholder input to evaluate service needs To improve outcomes Provide accountability to all levels of management
Meeting quarterly in conjunction with your office records review. Review of growth, compliance and quality of care issues identified on the score card for each program your office provides services in. Develop a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) to address performance standards on the scorecard that are not being met. The PIP must include measurable steps with identified timeframes and responsible parties to address outcome measures that are not being met according to the scorecard. Generating meeting minutes for PQI notebooks and SRT Scorecard and the PIP (if applicable) will be completed at local level and sent to the Director of Program Standards and State/Regional Director within 7 days of the meeting.
Monthly meetings to be held on the second week of the month. Review all Scorecards and Performance Improvement Plans (PIP) from the Local Offices that received a quarterly records review in the previous month. Prior to the SRT meeting the state/regional director must approve all PIPs for offices that are being reviewed. Evaluate and prepare a monthly score card for offices that received reviews. Monthly results from SRT meetings disseminated to the AC Chairperson for tabulation of semi-annual performance and improvement scorecard.
Monthly meetings Participate on Advisory Committee Semi annually Review quarterly scorecards generated by SRT’s Provide oversight to the SRT’s Establish and review Management Scorecard Management Scorecard to be completed quarterly with results disseminated to AC.
Meet semi annually (every 6 months) Review the semi-annual reports generated by SRT’s Review accumulative score cards for each program nationally (For example, this means that foster care in all states will be evaluated on one scorecard in an aggregated form) Review PQI Plan annually. Review annual program evaluation. Prepare, review and approve the Annual Report to be forwarded to the Board of Directors.
Each program will have their own designated scorecard which will be reviewed for outcome achievement. Documentation will be noted on each performance measure on the scorecard. Performance Improvement Plans will be developed for all measures not meeting criteria noted in the Performance Measure section.
During this section, you will work with the scorecards designated for each program serviced out of your office. You will find the scorecards for all programs located on the portal under General Employee resources>Performance and Quality Improvement.
Example of Blank Scorecard (We will review the Foster Care Scorecard for training purposes but all scorecards and PIP’s will follow the some process for completion.)
At the PQI meeting the QI Manager will complete minutes of the meeting according to the document on the next slide. All present at the meeting are required to sign.
Once the SRT’s review program scorecards, the state/regional director with the Dir. of Program Standards will complete the SRT Scorecard. Two quarter of the SRT scorecards will be compiled for a semi-annual report to the Advisory Committee.
At the PQI meeting the Dir. Of Program Standards will complete minutes of the meeting according to the document on the next slide. All present at the meeting are required to sign.
“Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.” William Pollard