If you are asked to write a speech on your On Demand Writing test, it will more than likely be a persuasive speech. You should always take these steps: Read the prompt carefully and understand the situation and the problem Choose a side and stick to it.(It is a good strategy to address the views of the opposing side; however, you should ALWAYS REMEMBER you are trying to persuade someone to come to your side – don’t be wishy-washy) Who is the audience? (a speech is an interaction between the speaker and the audience. The audience will be identified in the prompt- always pay attention to the audience- are they teens, children, parents, or city leaders?) What od I want the audience to do? How do I want the audience to feel? How am I going to organize my speech? Outline- start with the purpose statement, then use points and subpoints.
Before you begin writing your speech you should develop a purpose statement, which does 3 things: Tells the audience the topic (thesis statement) Provides a guide to the organization or main points Gives the audience goal Remember, in speech making it is totally appropriate to tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them. People do not listen nearly as well as they read; therefore, repetition is a very effective strategy.
Organization The introduction is a very important part of a speech. You must capture the attention of your audience. The conclusion is also important because it summarizes your message and signals the end of your speech.
Types of Speeches: 1.Personal Speech 2.Informational Speech 3.Promotional Speech 4.Persuasive Speech 5.Demonstration Speech 6.Motivational Speech
There are several patterns of organization commonly used in speeches. 1.Chronological Order (a sequence) 2.Space Order (a great span of space or subject) 3.Process Order (process speech – how to speech) 4.Topical Order (a group of)