Cooperation of EMEP/CCC and EEA on near real-time air quality data. Presented by Wenche Aas Though most of the work is done by: Tim Haigh, Bernt Rondell,


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Presentation transcript:

Cooperation of EMEP/CCC and EEA on near real-time air quality data. Presented by Wenche Aas Though most of the work is done by: Tim Haigh, Bernt Rondell, Anke Lükewille, Peder Gabrielsen, Sheila Cryan, Aasmund Fahre Vik, Markus Fiebig, Kjetil Tørseth, Leonor Tarrason, Øystein Hov, Arno Graff, Laurence Rouil, Johnny Auestad

Background Both EEA and EMEP have strategies that includes further use and development of NRT AQ data Important to avoid duplication of efforts –both for the individual Member States/Parties to the Convention, and for EEA/EMEP CCC –and to benefit from each others work A feasibly study has been carried out in : To provide recommendations on a strategy for NRT AQ data sharing and exchange, based on the needs and requirements from EMEP and EEA.

Why access to NRT data ? 1.Increased public awareness 2.Improved QC/QA of AQ data 3.Faster response in case of instrument failure etc, meaning improved quality 4.Facilitated data flows and reporting 5.Improved understanding of processes and impacts from air pollution 6.Improved forecast of emergency AQ situations

Specific motivation for EMEP and the research community for NRT data 1. Better understanding the development of special pollution episodes (forest fires, dust storm,....) 2.Better planning of research campaigns 3.Better calibration and validation of satellite data (not necessarily NRT, but rapid data access ) 4.Better understanding of the interactions between air pollution and climate (by assimilation into weather prediction models)

The different needs for NRT air quality data  EEA needs NRT data to inform the public and to support the EU policy cycle for air quality legislation  I.e: O 3, NOx, SO 2, PM 10, PM 2.5  Indicator and exceedance reports, i.e ozone summer reports  EMEP needs NRT to improve understanding of the processes and impacts of air pollution and their link to climate  GMES to be discussed by Leonor Tarrason

EMEP Monitoring strategy ……EMEP will, where relevant and appropriate, introduce monitoring of parameters at a timeliness allowing more rapid access to data on the air pollution situation across the EMEP domain. EMEP will in collaboration with the European Environment Agency (EEA) contribute to the provision of near-real time data for Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security (GMES) in agreement with the Parties. Such efforts will be based on voluntary contributions from Parties and will follow the guidance of the EMEP Steering Body.  Note that reporting of NRT is voluntary.  A strong link to the science community

NRT in EUSAAR (EU FP6) Establish NRT data flow at selected supersites Develop web based, restricted access data visualization (non official preliminary data) Develop tools for QA/QC and official data submission Priority parameters Scattering Coefficient (nephelometer) Particle Size Distribution(DMPS /SMPS) Absorption Coefficient ( MAAP/PSAP/Aethalometer) PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 1 Total number concentration (CPC)


Other relevant project with NRT or rapid data delivery EARLINET-ASOS (European Aerosol Research Lidar Network - Advanced Sustainable Observation System) Global Earth Observation and Monitoring of the Atmosphere WORCC World Optical Depth Research and Calibration Centre

Overlapping NRT parameters (EEA / EMEP)

Monitoring programme: Level 1 Main ions in precipitation and in air (incl SO 2, NO 2 ) heavy metals in precipitations ozone PM 10 and PM 2.5 mass Low cost nitrogen gas/particle meteorology at ca 125 sites Level 2, supersite (joint EMEP/GAW) EC/OC and mineral dust in PM Optical and physical properties of aerosol VOC CO CH4 halocarbons POPs Heavy metals in air and aerosols sites

Overlapping NRT parameters (EEA / EMEP) Overlap for EMEP level 1 measurements: PM 10, PM 2.5, O 3, NO 2, SO 2. But only O 3 with monitor as reference method. Though increased nr of sites with monitors for NOx and PM Duplication of work can be avoided by re-using capacities and data. Any overlap in NRT data request must be avoided by EMEP and EEA and managed through IT, data sharing or organizational solutions.

Conclusions and recommendations  EMEP-CCC and EEA shall act as thematic nodes for NRT data. EMEP/CCC on “supersite” data and EEA on “Airbase” data  Standards for data sharing and exchange are needed. EEA and EMEP/CCC should undertake further work on standards to identify what can be (re-)used, in particular from SEIS, INSPIRE, and GMES. Have in mind also other bodies with interest in NRT AQ data refine the description of requirements on timeliness and to use standards for metadata description  Better qualify the status and the quality of NRT AQ data, i.e replace preliminary data after a period with official data sets  NRT data exchange standards could become the basis for other data provision and streamlining

Thank you for the attention!