S&I Concert Series Presentation 5/14/2015 TITLE SLIDE
Other states participating: AZ, CO, CT, GA, KY, LA, MD, NH In 2014, MN received a Testing Experience and Functional Tools (TEFT) grant from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) MINNESOTA IS ONE OF NINE CMS TEFT GRANTEES
Minnesota’s name for our TEFT Grant: Personal Health Record for Long Term Services and Supports Demonstration WHAT IS THE PHR FOR LTSS DEMO?
1.Demonstrate use of a Personal Health Record (PHR) system with beneficiaries of CB-LTSS DELIVERABLE 1 OF 4
2.Identify, evaluate and test an electronic Long Term Services and Supports (e- LTSS) standard with the Office of National Coordinator’s (ONC) Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework Process DELIVERABLE 2 OF 4
Improved Data Sharing and Analytics Improved Care Transitions Improved Care Coordination Person-Centered Care Health Information Technology (OHIT & SIM) BUILDING ON HIT
For seniors For people with disabilities Accessible For beneficiaries/legal representatives For case managers Useful Where beneficiaries access the Internet Through a mobile-first platform Securely Available Prove we CAN share information from DHS systems in a way that is: PHR FOR LTSS DEMO GOAL
What We Learned: Confirmation of the value of PHR Case Manager info is key County and MCO (Lead Agency) Case Managers ADRC director & staff Acute and Post-Acute Care providers HCBS associations and providers DHS project sponsors (senior managers) and staff DHS Staff DHS aging & disability program administrators MDH Office of Health Information Technology staff STAKEHOLDER INPUT
Minnesota Requirements Gathering ArchitectureAccountability Non- Functional Functional Information User Experience Privacy & Security REQUIREMENTS WORKSHOPS
Case Manager AccessExisting Providers sharing Clinical Data Community Collaborative Collaborative PHR hosting DHS data DHS securely “publishes” data to Collaborative’s “subscribe” mechanism Data Aggregator (managed by DHS) Data being sent to DHS from Providers today Existing DHS Data Systems CONCEPTUAL ARCHITECTURE
Beneficiary or Legal Representative can: See letters online that they’re already getting from DHS See Case Manager info Receive text message (SMS) notifications Share part or all of their LTSS data with others PHR RELEASE #1
Tentative Release Date: September 30, 2016 PHR RELEASE #1 (CONT.)
In addition to Release #1 functionality, Beneficiary or Legal Representative can: Add notes about themselves to share with others Electronically access Assessment Summary, Service Plans and Explanations of Benefits Access and share other info (if possible) – to be determined in consultation with PHR Community Collaborative PHR RELEASE #2
Tentative Release Date: September 30, 2017 PHR RELEASE #2 (CONT.)
Visit the PHR for LTSS Demo web pageweb page Sign up to receive monthly Updates Sign up Contact Business Project Manager: Tom Gossett FOR MORE INFORMATION