Establishing Centers of R&D, Engineering and Technologies Commercialization JSC “TVEL” Vladimir Polutin R&D Projects Manager
PROPOSAL MISSION 2 Set up Together with International Partners best in class R&D organizations Become a world leader in knowledge intensive and economically efficient technologies of different types of high quality nuclear fuel innovative non-nuclear technologies
PARTIES INTERESTS. Win-Win 3 o Decreasing R&D costs and particularly in applied research o Faster delivery of new nuclear products and services to the marketplace o Competencies mutual enrichment o Technological services localization, decreasing NPP operator costs o Quicker technology support of NPP operators o R&D community collaboration, ideas exchange The initial form of R&D partnership we do offer is: Research, Engineering and Technologies commercializing Center
R&D, Engineering and Technology Commercialization Center Areas of Focus Areas of FocusCENTERS Role TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Engineering Services: increase of safety and NPP efficiency following the standards; NPP operation lifecycle increase; operational and technical services costs decrease; marginal analysis, power increase, operational activities optimization, equipment modernization; shut downs decrease; technical; specifications optimization; auditing NPP technical management. Services localization, collaboration with customers and local experts. Ownership of nuclear fuel and NPP equipment design and manufacturing for Russian and Western NPP designs. Cooperation with AEM, ASE, Rusatom Overseas. Operational services at NPP: nuclear fuel reload support, products improvement, NPP’s modules services, personnel technical trainings. Economically efficient remote monitoring, testing and tuning of NPP’s equipment. Specifying equipment review and repair. Providing technology collaboration between foreign operators and customers and Russian technology owners, involving more closely Russian experts. Consulting: participation in safety monitoring of NPPs of Russian design (for example stress tests). NPPs lifecycle extension justification. Collaboration with technology leaders of Rosatom that own competencies and technologies. Repair, replacement, logistics services. Services localization. Collaboration of local experts with Rosatom technology owners experts. New DESIGNS Outsourced R&D projects. Using and exchanging competencies with technology partners. Licensing support of new Russian nuclear fuel design using Western methodology. Ownership of western software design packages, licensing methodologies, cooperation procedures with local Nuclear Industry Authorities. DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Acquisition of foreign technology companies, “startups”. Using foreign competencies. Venture projects in Russia. Using innovation results including partnerships with Russian startups. 4
Fuel company TVEL non-nuclear technologies and competitive advantages Manufacturing facilities of TVEL (and ROSATOM) do have modern, high productive equipment that can be used for non-nuclear products manufacturing. FactorsShort description Well established R&D infrastructure including laboratories, testing facilities Unique technologies and manufacturing processes, modern equipment HR potential Carrying key R&D, and Engineering competencies 5 TVEL (ROSATOM enterprises) owns powerful R&D and Engineering capabilities and knowledge, successes in delivering innovative solutions. TVEL is capable to use current R&D, testing facilities for additional and new manufacturing and R&D projects. Knowledgeable, competent, focused HR resources proved themselves for new manufacturing, R&D, Engineering opportunities.
TVEL’s enterprises technologies key to non-nuclear markets entry Metallurgy Mechanotronics Chemical technologies New energy Instrumentation engineering Precision mechanics and other 6 Fluorides Hydrogen fluoride production Fluoropolymers and hydrofluorocarbons production Isotopes Formation of isotope gaseous compounds Centrifuge isotope separation Chemical separation of pure isotopes Zeolite catalysts Zeolite synthesis Production of zeolite powder and different sized granules Lithium-ion batteries, materials and parts, Li-ion based energy storage Battery components manufacturing (cathode. anode, electrolyte etc) Li-ion based energy storage engineering, design and assembly Hydrogen power Fuel cells materials manufacturing Fuel cells based generation systems and energy storage engineering, design and assembly Special metallurgy Non-polishing tape production, low carbon steel tape cold sawing Calcium wires production Special tube rolling Ingot manufacturing, fettling and refining Casting manufacturing Rolling into sheets, tubes and в листы, трубы, прутки Nanometallurgy Copper concentrate melting and conversion Fire and electric refining, cathodes melting, cogging Hydrometallurgy Separation into oxides Individual oxides extraction and purification REE processing High-precision gas flow Meter Static frequency converters Dosimeters, radiometers Controllers Machine tool products Special equipment and attachments Screw compressors
Engineering and Technology Services Center Signing ALVEL charter papers during an official visit of Russian Federation President to the Czech Republic 7
Geographic location of European NPPs and ALVEL 8
CURRENT PROJECTS AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES ALVEL DELIVER R&D Projects 3D fuel behavior modeling for alternative fuel cladding alloy materials; Experimental research of irradiation induced growth of current and perspective fuel cladding and assembly structural materials from Zr alloys; High temperature oxidation and hydrating of zirconium alloy materials; Technological services Development and modernization of core monitoring systems; Nuclear fuel. Analysis of normal operation disturbances; Consulting. Using Russian expertise for corrective activities after NPPs stress tests; Reload core design and safety evaluation for current NPP fuel reloads according to local licensing standards; Technical support of advanced nuclear fuel implementation and operation expansion at Dukovany NPP; Licensing support of TVS-KVADRAT on international markets according to Western licensing standards and methodologies; New design Outsourced R&D projects; Core monitoring system modernization in collaboration with Kurchatov Institute and European partnering organizations; 9
ALVEL in Localization Fuel Fabrication Product Marketing Advanced Products and Fuel Types Licensing support Assembling Core Design & Safety Evaluation Production technology development Core Monitoring Systems Plant operation support Reload Core Design & Safety Evaluation 10
Engineering and Technology Services Center Marketing and licensing support: of TVEL production on European market, including VVER/PWR fuel segment; VVER 440 (Gd2, Gd2M, Gd2M+, Gd3); VVER 1000/1200 fuel (TVSA-T, TVSA, TVS-2M); PWR – (TVS KVADRAT); Fuel related services. 11
12 ALVEL, a.s. Štefánikova 41, BRNO, Czech Republic Phone: