MARIA IMELDA B. PADDAYUMAN Toro Hills Elementary School Quezon City Effective Disciplinary Measures for Pupils with Behavior Problems in the Implementation of K to 12 Curriculum MARIA IMELDA B. PADDAYUMAN Toro Hills Elementary School Quezon City
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Maintaining order in the classroom where there are students with behavior problems is a major concern in delivery quality teaching and learning. Teachers should identify the behavior problem and apply the most appropriate disciplinary measures in order not to impede learning.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM What are the observed behaviour problems exhibited by children in the public schools? How often does the behaviour problem occur based on disruptive effects? What forms of discipline do public school teachers utilize to address the behavioural problems? What forms of discipline are most effective and less effective?
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY These will help public school teachers deal with even the most difficult children in the classroom. These will help build a strong teacher- student relationship since the teacher will utilize the most effective techniques in handling the students with behaviour problems. Teachers can use the study results to make an action plan on how to handle misbehaviour in the classrooms.
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY These will enable teachers to look at the various types of behaviour problems and ways to deal with the problem effectively. Administrators can use the study results for learners with behaviour problems to implement programs and curriculum writers to write curricula to address problems in classroom management and teaching special children.
Children with disruptive behaviours who are the focus of this study will be benefited. Results will add new knowledge to the field of special education where learners with emotional and behaviour problems belong
Teachers’ Form of Discipline lectures, threats, rewards, punishment, comparisons, anger, criticism or reverse psychology, corporal punishment, pinching, spanking, commands, note to parents, and eventually, sending a student with behaviour problem to the principal’s office (Edwards 2004). To continue doing what does not work is useless. Teachers may not be aware of the consequences their discipline measures have injected in the children’s mind (Koenig, 2000).
Related studies Maniego (1997) identified the behavior problems of intermediate pupils in Pulilan, Bulacan. In class: behaviour problems such as talking with seatmate, not doing their assignments, not participating in the discussions, mauling, quarrelling, coming late, cheating and playing. In school ground: they litter, tease, and quarrel with others, noisy, use profane language, gamble, play in the mud and water, shout, climb over the fence and escape.
remedial measures: Getting the interest of the child Supervising the child closely at work. Giving the child encouragement. Interviewing the pupils. Having conference with parents. Modelling the positive behaviours. Brief scolding with pupils.
Related Studies Fabella (2001)- dealt about disciplinary problems encountered by the teachers. More boys manifested disciplinary problems than girls. Both teachers and pupils were slightly affected with these disciplinary problems. Elementary grade teachers occasionally met disciplinary problems among boys and girls. Most boys and girls manifested laziness and poor study habits with no assignments, projects and reports. The remedial measures of common disciplinary problems in school were from urgent to slightly urgent. Modelling by examples, giving extra activities and wholesome recreations and counselling were urgently needed remedial measures.
Respondents Public school teachers from Toro Hills Elementary School Only teachers who have 3 years and more were included
Instruments SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Observed behavior problems that occur in the classroom. How disruptive are these behaviors, and the disciplinary measures practiced by teachers. How often and how effective are these measures were data elicited by the questionnaire.
Statistical Analysis Use of cross-tabulations, frequencies, and percentages. These statistical procedures were carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
Observed Behavior Problems Results 1.What are the observed behavior problems exhibited by children in the public schools? Observed Behavior Problems Frequency Disruption: Loud talking, yelling or inappropriate noise during class time, complaining constantly. Very Often Verbal intimidation: Teasing, ridiculing, or name calling. Often Aggressive verbal intimidation: Threatening or bullying. Seldom Passive Aggressive Behavior: Refusing to cooperate or follow instruction. Damaging\Taking personal property, Pushing, grabbing, hitting or kicking. Threatening with a weapon. Never observed
Observed Behavior Problems Results 2. How often does the behavior problem occur based on disruptive effects? Observed Behavior Problems Disruptive Effect Disruption: Loud talking, yelling or inappropriate noise during class time, complaining constantly. Very Disruptive Verbal intimidation: Teasing, ridiculing, or name calling. Aggressive verbal intimidation: Threatening or bullying. Passive Aggressive Behavior: Refusing to cooperate or follow instruction. Damaging\Taking personal property, Pushing, grabbing, hitting or kicking. Threatening with a weapon. Not at all disruptive
Disciplinary Measures Results 3. What forms of discipline do public school teachers utilize to address the behavior problems? Disciplinary Measures Frequency Commands, praises, awards Very Often Touch shoulder, quiet signal, note to parents Often Whisper Quiet Often Incentives, time-outs, referral to guidance, scolding, threat Sometimes Corporal punishment, sending to the principal’s office Never
4. What forms of discipline are most effective and less effective? Results 4. What forms of discipline are most effective and less effective? Disciplinary Measures Effectiveness Praise and touch shoulder Very Effective Corporal punishment Less Effective
Conclusions From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the behavior problems observed by teachers are: disruption like loud talking, yelling or inappropriate noise during class time and complaining constantly. verbal intimidation like teasing, ridiculing or name calling, pushing, grabbing, hitting or kicking someone. taking or damaging personal property threatening or bullying and, refusing to cooperate or follow instruction.
Disciplinary measures such as praises, the quiet signal, note to parents and touch shoulder are very often utilized by teachers. At times, teachers also use scolding and commands. Majority of the teachers sometimes refer the student with behavior problems to the guidance counselor or the principal. The giving of awards, incentives and time- out were seldom use. Majority of the teachers never used corporal punishment and threat
Recommendations Teachers should inform and involve the students in developing class rules. Students should be expected to keep to the rules, be praised for doing so and be made aware of the consequences of breaking them. The rules should be applied firmly, fairly and consistently. The teachers with the help of the parents should work cooperatively to be able to come up with a good action plan to minimize behavior problem.
Parents must have a common understanding of what constitutes expected and acceptable behavior in the classroom. Administrators should come up with in service training for teachers which will tackle behavior modification and discipline approaches so that teachers would become aware of the most appropriate techniques that they should use in teaching a student with behavior problem.
MARIA IMELDA B. PADDAYUMAN Toro Hills Elementary School Quezon City Effective Disciplinary Measures for Pupils with Behavior Problems in the Implementation of K to 12 Curriculum MARIA IMELDA B. PADDAYUMAN Toro Hills Elementary School Quezon City