Alternatives to Higher Education JAS SOMAL
Not going to University? Visit the following websites:
What are the options ? Apprenticeships Employment Taking a Gap year Volunteering
Apprenticeships: Structured training programs / Earn and learn at the same time ( Structured training programmes-earn and learn at same time- Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal welfare Arts, Media, Publishing Business, Administration, Law, Finance sector Construction and Built environment Hospitality, Event management, marketing Engineering and Manufacturing Information Communication Technology Health, Public services and Care Leisure, Travel and Tourism including Air cabin crew Retail and Commercial Enterprise Education and Training including teaching support in schools
Apprenticeships –what is involved ? Train for a skilled job whilst working towards industry recognised NVQs that Employers value and need Training delivered in the workplace with attendance at College/Training Centre Minimum pay £2.65 per hour from 1/10/12 net weekly pay can be £170-£210 Apprenticeship Advanced Apprenticeship and Higher Apprenticeship More than 130,000 Employers now offer Apprenticeships
Higher Apprenticeship ….. Working towards work-based learning qualifications such as a Level 4 Competence Qualification, Functional Skills and, in some cases, a knowledge-based qualification such as a Foundation Degree. Foundation degrees can be topped up to a full degree
Some of the Higher Apprenticeship programmes Rolls Royce Engineering £11,800 A-levels maths and Physics Jaguar /Land Rover Engineering sponsored Degree 6 years £16,000 Boots Support office apprenticeship£15,000 HR, IT Supply, Brand 3 A-levels C or above BT Customer Delivery Support and IT £16,500 2 A- levels C plus PWC Professional services Audit, Management Consultancy Tax
Sponsored Degrees Partnership between Company and University – either fees paid in full or contribution towards fees plus placement opportunities National Grid – contribution towards fees in partnership with 7 universities JCB – Foundation Degrees (and higher apprenticeship opportunities) Rolls Royce – Masters in Engineering Business Management, Warwick University KPMG – Accounting degree, - Birmingham Durham or Exeter Morrisons – BSc Management & Business – Bradford University Logica – Business Management or Business Management with IT The Environment Agency – River & Coastal Engineering Fnd. Degree - UWE Asda – Retail/Business Management Tesco – Commercial Development & Stores Development Programmes Armed Forces
Where are the Jobs? Management training programmes include: Retail Tesco, M&S, John Lewis, Sainsburys,Next, Arcadia,Morrisons Hospitality and catering eg Pub chains Whitbread shooting stars scheme, Hilton Group, Wetherspoons Travel lodge
Where are the Jobs? Accountancy eg PWC Headstart [in 2010 over 800 applications for 60 places] KPMG A-level trainee scheme, Deloitte Brightstart and scholar scheme Aviva Insurance apprenticeship schemes, HSBC apprenticeship scheme
Who recruits?
Where are the Jobs? Local Government Civil Service Armed Services Officer entry schemes[management training] Health and Social sector but many jobs in sector don’t require A-levels Business Administration
Degrees not always required Example: Tescos Richo Coventry Store Manager began career sweeping warehouse floor Operations Director of Compass Group[ including responsibility for hospitality operations at Chelsea FC in charge of 1200 hospitality staff began career as a waitress on Eurostar Chief operating Officer, Near East operations for Inter Continental Hotels group began career as a bellboy/porter
Do your research Tip find out what sort of skills/experience Employers are looking for. How can you evidence this? Remember you will be judged on the information you provide-do you know what the Employer is looking for?
Where can I find Labour market information? Visit: under getting a job, help with finding a job then click on job market information 25 sector skills councils with factual information on a wide range of Career/job sectors For example Hospitality sector trend 1,063,000 extra people needed in next 5 years including 69,000 new management jobs Information includes Trends, Salaries etc
Where to look for work? Newspapers local and National Specialist careers magazines/journals Recruitment agencies Making a speculative approach On-line Recruitment and jobs websites Word of mouth/friends Job Centres Careers Fairs SPEND TIME LOOKING FOR HIDDEN VACANCIES
Year in Industry scheme YINI Opportunity for up to a year working in Industry prior to going to University some Companies have offered jobs.
Gap year? Things to think about: Placement or travel? Home or abroad? Cost Duration Placement type Have a look on Also
What are the benefits of a Gap year? Opportunity to do something challenging Develop personal skills Looks good on a CV Enables you to gain new skills Chance to travel Work experience relevant to Career choice
Volunteering the benefits? Opportunity to try something different Develops personal skills Opportunity to add to qualifications NVQs Enhances your CV Can lead to paid employment
Volunteering The opportunities are endless
In Summary Start now to plan your future Identify your Career and what skills do you need? How can you start to develop these skills? What will make you stand out from the crowd Good planning and research can make the difference.
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