Southern African Institute of Steel Construction
Our industry
The things we produce Structures for: Buildings Bridges Power stations Petrochemical plant Mining industry Roads Railways Community buildings Factories Stadia Shopping centres Transmission lines General industry Harbour cranes Communications Agriculture
Examples of our work
Burj Al Arab, Dubai
Examples of our work Ebay Liberation mining project
Examples of our work Khalifa Sports Complex, Abu Dhabi
Examples of our work Obanja Cement, Nigeria
Examples of our work Transmission line pylons
Examples of our work Snap Lake Project, Canada
Examples of our work Steel-framed house
Examples of our work Soccer City Johannesburg under construction
Examples of our work Maponya Mall, Soweto
Examples of our work Nelson Mandela Bridge
Modern workshop October 2009: Opening new Cosira works at Vulcan sq m 5000 tons/m
Fabrication in workshop DSE Works in Vanderbijlpark
Erection on construction Site Soccer City in Johannesburg under construction
WHAT DISTINGUISHES US FROM OTHER INDUSTRIES We don’t make widgets We participate in construction projects Structures are designed by engineers, architects and others Each structure (and virtually each element of each structure) is unique Projects typically large, take a long time Relatively small capital investment to create one job
WHAT DISTINGUISHES US FROM REST OF CONSTRUCTION SECTOR Elements made in workshop, assembled on site Safer, healthier, better trained and better paid jobs Computers play a bigger role in our lives (more knowledge intensive)
WHAT MAKES THE INDUSTRY IMPORTANT 40% of all steel used in construction About 2 m tons per year people employed Key enabling industry: have to have structure in place before machines can be places etc - without structural steel industry, can’t have other industries Green: social, economic, environment
World class industry Materials control systems Engineering and draughting Health, safety and the environment Quality assurance Competitive Past 3 years – huge investment in new equipment, software, training
An industry looking forward
SAISC Activities Technical: Handbooks, SABS standards, advice Education and training Industry improvement Interact with decision makers in government and private sector Promote the use of steel (market development) Defend home market
SAISC Export promotion (“International Steel Fabricators” – ISF) Promote image of SA industry in target markets Pursue projects in other countries – mobilise SA companies Surveillance of world and regional trends and opportunities Interact with government
Structural Steel Exports pa (t) HS Code 7308 ITAC statistics
Steel Construction Industry and IPAP NIPF (National Industrial Policy Framework) Launched Jan ’07 (Min. Mandisi Mpahlwa) Four lead sectors: Capital & transport goods & metal fabrication Automotive & components Chemicals, plastics & Pharmaceuticals Forestry, pulp & paper NIPP (Offset commitments) vs CSDP “Competitive Supplier Development Program”
Competitive Supplier Development Program NICHES (CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE): Structural Steel industry ! - Creating capacity, investments… - World class production, quality, safety.. - Export capability…and results - Creating jobs:75 per 1000t/a capacity - Training, upskilling, research & dev., - Sustainability…GREEN! - BBBEE: Construction Charter….
SAISC CSDP Participation DTI SDP program – became CSDP PBMR – Deferred, ongoing preparations NIASA – Delayed, ongoing preparations ESKOM - Power station steelwork - Power line industry - Project labour agreements (PLA’s) TRANSNET CSDP UNIDO SPX Centre – Profiling - Benchmarking
ESKOM CSDP Progress - Structural steel fabrication capacity - Substantial new capital investments - Best practice world wide studied - Most modern facilities world wide - Technical input: steel grades & sizes - Move from 40% ex Chinese to 100% RSA supply, fabricate & construct
Steel Construction Industry Kendal Power Station
ESKOM CSDP PROGRESS STEINMULLER : Boiler capacity Pipe bending DB THERMAL : New Nigel facility HITACHI : Various ALSTOM : Various
DTI INCENTIVES Not only financial !! Must not result in “crutch” industries Must align with other initiatives – eg SETAS, ASGISA, BBBEE, etc., etc. Must build capacity: knowledge economy EIP (Enterprise Investment Program) 2008 New ideas being requested / investigated
With complements from: The Steel Construction Industry