Lord of the Flies Character Analysis
Thesis Statement for an essay Choose a character to analyze. Identify three characteristics or traits of the character being discussed. Use the following suggested “formula” to write a thesis statement.
Formula for the thesis statement ____1______ creates the memorable character of _____2_____ in _____3_______ through the characteristics of ___4_____, ______5______, and ____6_______. Author’s name Character’s name The title of the novel – underline it! The three characteristics you will use to develop your thesis.
Sample Thesis Statement William Golding creates the memorable character of Simon in Lord of the Flies through the characteristics of being compassionate, insightful, and mystical.
Your thesis statement is the last sentence of your introduction. Do NOT write any of the following sentences in your introduction: In this paper I will… This paper will show you that… The purpose of this paper is to … So how DO you write an introduction?
Writing an Introduction Sentence 1: Mention the author and the book and some general statement about the plot of the book. Sentence 2: Write a sentence that sums up the plot. Sentence 3: There are many intriguing characters throughout the story. Sentence 4: Some of these characters include…(list characters other than yours). Sentence 5: Thesis statement Want to a see an example?
Sample Introduction William Golding’s Lord of the Flies is a modern allegory in which the author attempts to trace the problems of society back to the inherent evil in human nature. A group of British schoolboys stranded on a deserted island attempt to create their own organized society only to discover that the evil within them causes them to become savages, threatening to destroy themselves. There are many intriguing characters among the schoolboys. Some of these characters include Ralph, the leader; Jack, the hunter; and Piggy, the intellectual outcast. William Golding creates the memorable character of Simon in Lord of the Flies through the characteristics of being compassionate, insightful, and mystical.
How to write a body paragraph Body paragraphs are composed of the following elements: 1. Main idea sentence 2. Supporting detail sentences (2-3) 3. One quotation from the novel that exemplifies the characteristic discussed in the paragraph. 4. A wrap-up sentence, one that brings it all together. A good body paragraph has at least seven (7) sentences.
Main Idea Sentence As Simon’s character is introduced, it becomes increasingly obvious that he is compassionate toward the rest of the boys.
Supporting Detail Sentences and quotations from the novel. After Ralph has apologized to Piggy for telling the boys his nickname, Simon shows forgiveness by patting Ralph on the arm. Later in the novel when Jack denies Piggy meat, Simon gives Piggy his share in spite of Jack’s wrath. He is the only one of the ‘biguns’ that regards the ‘littluns’ as better than animals. Several times “…Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless outstretched hands” (Golding 56).
Wrap-up Sentence Simon, from the start, is the only one to show compassion and understanding towards the other boys.
Put all these sentences together… As Simon’s character is introduced, it becomes increasingly obvious that he is compassionate toward the rest of the boys. After Ralph has apologized to Piggy for telling the other boys his nickname, Simon shows forgiveness by patting Ralph on the arm. Later in the novel when Jack denies Piggy meat, Simon gives Piggy his share in spite of Jack’s wrath. He is the only one of the biguns that regards the littuns as much better then animals. Several times “…Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless outstretched hands” (Golding 56). Simon, from the start, is the only one to show compassion and understand toward the other boys. …and you have a developed paragraph with 8 sentences.
Writing a Conclusion This is the hard part! You will need the following elements in your concluding paragraph: 1. A restatement of your thesis statement. 2. An example from the novel that strongly exemplifies the character. (Save the best example for last!) 3. A re-stated sentence from the first body paragraph. A re-stated sentence from the second body paragraph. A re-stated sentence from the third body paragraph. A clincher sentence that leaves a strong impact upon the reader about the character.
Sample Conclusion Simon in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies is a character who is not easily forgotten. The image of Simon the author leaves us with is one of peacefulness and gentleness. Simon’s violent death is a result of his attempt to show compassion toward others by telling them what he has discovered about the beast on the mountain. Simon’s insightfulness never allows him to give in to the beast by hunting or shirking his duties to have fun because he knows the evil is within the boys themselves. He comes face to face with the devil personified in the Lord of the Flies, yet his mystical powers never allow him to succumb to its evil temptations. His death is like that of Christ in that he gave his life to help others, bringing them good news and hope.
Dos and Do Nots Write in present verb tense. Do not use first person pronouns (I, me, we, us). Do not use second person pronouns (you, your). Use specific words and examples. Avoid words like “things” and “stuff.” Do not use slang or contractions for example “gonna” or “can’t.”
Things to Remember Write in paragraph form. Use quotation marks around the author’s exact words. Use a citation (the author’s last name and page number) when using the author’s exact words. Since all quotations come from the same source the first citation is the only one that needs the author’s name. All others after the first should contain only a page number for example (56). See slides for examples. Be sure to follow the MLA Format for Assignments handout.