Proprietary work product, not for reproduction 1 BIOMASS GASIFIER 20 MW POWERPLANT Energy & Environmental Integrators Note! This system can be scaled from 1 MW to 40MW By using smaller / larger or multiple gasifier / engine modules
2 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction GASIFIER POWER PLANT THE GASIFIER POWER PLANT HAS 5 MAJOR COMPONENTS: 1. Receiving and processing the raw fuel to size and moisture suitable for gasifying 2. Storage and delivery to the gasifier 3. Through gasification process convert biofuel into a fuel gas 4. Modify the gas stream to make suitable for use in spark ignited reciprocating engine or gas turbine a. Remove moisture and particulate matter b. Convert to higher quality gas catalytically if necessary 5. Generate electricity at appropriate voltage and frequency a) Switchgear provides protective relaying and distribution to outside feeder (s) b) Feed transformer to provide auxiliary equipment power c) Metering and Control Systems
3 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction Biomass To Energy Process Overview Biomass Receiving Biomass Processing Energy Conversion Syngas Energy Production To Grid Energy Use Unloading Storage Grinding Mixing Screening Delivery to Plant Drying Load in Hopper Delivery To Gasifier Gasify Cleanup Reform Engine Electric Generator Lab (analysis) Switchgear Waste Heat Steam / hot Water 20 MW* 480* TONS / DAY * TYPICAL FOR RDF
4 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction Simplified Gasifier Process Flow Ash BIOMASS Bucket Conveyer Metering Screw Conveyor Rotary Valve Metering Bin Gas Cooler HRSG Gasifier Gas Scrubber Engine Generator Or Gas Turbine Generator Steam or Air Reacto r Gas Filter Scrubber Solvent Tank Auxiliary-S/U Steam Generator Fuel Jacket Water Heat Exchanger And / Or Desalinization Feeding Screw Conveyor Steam to gasifier GASIFIER Air Compressor
5 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction REFUSE DERIVED FUEL (RDF) Gasifacation is well suited for clean disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Separation process creates sellable side streams of recyclable plastics, metals and glass Separation process creates sellable side streams of recyclable plastics, metals and glass Bulk reduction of 50% or more reduces landfill requirements dramatically Bulk reduction of 50% or more reduces landfill requirements dramatically Gasifacation process destroys harmful bacteria and chemicals Gasifacation process destroys harmful bacteria and chemicals Eliminates landfill methane emissions (greenhouse gas) Eliminates landfill methane emissions (greenhouse gas) Tipping fees reduce ultimate cost of generated electricity Tipping fees reduce ultimate cost of generated electricity Eliminates groundwater contamination Eliminates groundwater contamination
6 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction WOODY BIOMASS DISPOSAL Gasifacation is well suited for disposal of woody biomass (forest debris, tree trimmings, etc.) 1. Converts renewable waste material into sellable electricity 2. Reduces wood fire and other hazards from environment. 3. Reduces / Eliminates decaying wood emissions (greenhouse gas) 4. Eliminates wood land filling
7 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction ANIMAL MANURE DISPOSAL Gasifacation can be used to eliminate animal manure under certain circumstances (requires efficient collection systems or covered tanks) Eliminates groundwater / soil contamination Eliminates groundwater / soil contamination Eliminates methane (greenhouse gas) emissions Eliminates methane (greenhouse gas) emissions Eliminates contaminating land spreading Eliminates contaminating land spreading Converts waste into material electricity Converts waste into material electricity
8 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction GASIFACATION WASTE TO ENERGY BENEFITS SUMMARY Eliminates hazardous land fills or land spreading Eliminates hazardous land fills or land spreading Eliminates / reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions Eliminates / reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions Utilizes a Renewable Resource Utilizes a Renewable Resource Carbon neutral process Carbon neutral process Generates Sellable Electricity without fossil fuels Generates Sellable Electricity without fossil fuels Can be a profitable electricity generator Can be a profitable electricity generator Small plants are easier to site - locate close to waste producer Small plants are easier to site - locate close to waste producer May be eligible for carbon trading May be eligible for carbon trading
9 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction 20 MW BIOMASS GASIFIER POWER PLANT COST Budgetary Capital Cost - $60,000,000 = $3,000 / Kw Budgetary Capital Cost - $60,000,000 = $3,000 / Kw Includes: Includes: Fuel Handling Fuel Handling Gasifier Gasifier Gas Conditioning Gas Conditioning 20 Mw Engine Generators 20 Mw Engine Generators Electrical Switchgear & Controls Electrical Switchgear & Controls Remote Monitoring via Internet Remote Monitoring via Internet Does Not Include Does Not Include Fuel Transportation Fuel Transportation Fuel Preparation Fuel Preparation Utility Interconnection Utility Interconnection Exhaust Gas Cleanup If Necessary Exhaust Gas Cleanup If Necessary
10 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction 1 MW BIOMASS GASIFIER POWER PLANT COST Budgetary Capital Cost - $5,500,000 Budgetary Capital Cost - $5,500,000 Includes: Includes: Fuel Handling Fuel Handling Gasifier Gasifier Gas Conditioning Gas Conditioning 1 Mw Engine Generators 1 Mw Engine Generators Electrical Switchgear & Controls Electrical Switchgear & Controls Remote Monitoring via Internet Remote Monitoring via Internet Does Not Include Does Not Include Fuel Transportation Fuel Transportation Fuel Preparation Fuel Preparation Utility Interconnection Utility Interconnection Exhaust Gas Cleanup If Necessary Exhaust Gas Cleanup If Necessary
11 EEI Proprietary Work Product, Not For Reproduction 1 MW BIOMASS GASIFIER POWER PLANT OPERATION Direct Production Cost = $0.045 / Kwh (est.) Direct Production Cost = $0.045 / Kwh (est.) Does Not Include Capitalization & Depreciation Does Not Include Capitalization & Depreciation Does Not Include Any Fuel Cost or Tipping Fees Does Not Include Any Fuel Cost or Tipping Fees Estimated - Dependent On Local Factors Estimated - Dependent On Local Factors Return On Equity Dependent On Sale Price, Cost Of Money, Depreciation Schedule, Etc. Return On Equity Dependent On Sale Price, Cost Of Money, Depreciation Schedule, Etc. Note! Actual production costs are site specific Note! Actual production costs are site specific