Nation Labor Union forms Knights of Labor forms as a “Noble and Holy Order” Railroad workers strike nation wide Haymarket Square Bombing (Chicago), American Federation of Labor forms
It was made up of Reformers who sought “equal pay for equal work” They believed that every man should be “his own master” and also The Knights recruited members without regard for race, color, or gender They advocated boycotts and arbitration instead of strikes, which they considered barbaric. They supported political reform, a graduated income tax and other measures. The special interests of craft unions eventually broke the Knights, and they were also damaged in the public eye by the activities of radicals and anarchists, as occurred in the Haymarket riot They called for an 8-hour day to spread out jobs and reduce fatigue that resulted in accidents
Secret society in 1869 Picked up where the National Union left off because they survived the depression United skilled and unskilled laborers in the countryside and in cities into one group Unlike the NLU (Nation Labor Union) it allowed blacks & women Won many strikes but had difficulty bargaining because it represented a diverse group of workers The Union didn’t exist for very long because it’s members were associated with anarchists and the Haymarket Square bombing. “An injury to one is an injury to all” was a motto said by the Knights of Labor which showed their compassion and brotherhood towards each other and a testament to their unity
AKA the AFL Quietly grew in power by coordinating efforts for independent labor unions Unlike the other unions it represented only skilled white male craftsmen in the cities which was their limitation Despite that they survived the Gilded Age and became one of the most powerful labor unions in the WHOLE new century
1. “Job ownership”—the right to continue to work without being laid off arbitrarily 2. Immigration curbs to reduce the amount of cheap labor 3. Relief from technological unemployment. 4. Labor legislation.