Is music a big part of teenagers lives ?. Why this topic is interesting to me It is a part of almost everyone’s life in some way or another. I feel a.


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Presentation transcript:

Is music a big part of teenagers lives ?

Why this topic is interesting to me It is a part of almost everyone’s life in some way or another. I feel a lot of teens listen to music these days.

What effect does music have on teenagers and how may it help teenagers? Music may have a positive and a negative effect. It can be relaxing, soothing, angering, exciting, energizing and many more. If you’re upset or sad certain songs can emotionally reach out. Music may help some teenager’s because they may be able to relate to the lyrics.

Is music a big part of teenagers lives? Music is a big part of teenager’s lives because they feel it may help them overcome problems. When teens can relate to music they feel like they’re not alone with their problems.

What type of music do teens listen to and why? People listen to music that may help them overcome their problems People listen to music they can relate to. Different people have different taste in music. Nowadays, in my opinion a lot of rap and R&B is popular. Good music is catching, if a teen is exposed to something they like, they will probably track down more of that genre.

How often do teens listen to music? A lot of teens listen to music on a daily basis. Teenagers listen to an average of 2.5 hours of music per day.

Why do teens listen to music? Teens listen to music to express themselves. Teens may feel like that somehow the music connects with them. You can tell how someone’s feeling by the music they are listening to at that time.

What are the pros and cons of teenagers listening to music ? Pros:Cons: Its relaxing. Its always available. No matter what happens music doesn’t judge you. It can make you emotional. You may get distracted easily. It can influence you to make the wrong decisions.

Solutions to Music Some songs encourage drugs therefor the individual listening to the music may get influenced to do drugs; so the individual should listen to songs where they wont get influenced in a negative way. If you listen to music, and you are feeling upset listen to music that will cheer you up.