Do Now – 1/29/13 – match the word to the definition 1)Defense Attorney 2)Defendant 3)Prosecutor 4)Plaintiff 5)Guilty 6)Judge 7)Jury A)Looks at evidence and decides if the person is innocent or guilty. B)Decides the sentence. C)Responsible for doing something wrong D)Has to prove the person is guilty. E)Has to prove that the person is innocent. F)The person bringing the case to court – accuses someone G)The person who is accused of a crime.
Do Now – P1 – 1/30/13- Fill in the blank with a word from the word wall. 1)The ________________ had to prove that A. Wolf was guilty. 2)The other lawyer, the ___________, has to prove that A. Wolf is innocent. 3)The Wolf was accused of a crime – he is thus called the _____________. 4)A ____________ is when both sides bring in evidence to prove that the defendant is guilty or innocent.
Pair/Share your homework You will be asked to say, one thing you learned from your partner – a new idea…
Objectives 1)Practice Vocabulary 2)Review HW 3)Review Trial Roles and Procedures 4)See example 5)Plan Roles
7.5 What are roles and responsibilities for our trial? Tomorrow = Test Grade (10 points) - Trial preparation (what did you write) and participation during trial.
Trial Procedure 1.Bailiff – Opens Trial 2.Prosecution’s Opening Statement 3.Defense Attorney’s Opening Statement 4.Bailiff - Oath for Witnesses 5.Prosecution’s Witnesses + Questions 6.Defense Cross Examination (Questions Witnesses) 7.Defense’s Witnesses + Questions 8.Prosecution Cross Examination (Questions Witnesses) 9.Closing Arguments from Defense and Prosecution 10.Jury Decides
Example – 3 Little Pigs Judge and Jury Defense Attorney Defendant: A. Wolf Witnesses: Granny Wolf Prosecutor Plaintiff – 3 rd Little Pig Witnesses – Bob Fox Ms. Smith-Pig Mr. Sandra Johnston-Wolf
Example Prosecutor Ms. Smith-Pig – what is my job? Opening Statement Questions to Witness Cross Examination of Defense’s Witness Closing Statement
Prosecution’s Opening Statement Ladies and Gentlemen, the Wolf in front of you will try to convince you that he was baking a cake for his grandmother. He looks nice, he sounds like a nice guy. But he is not what he seems. He is a liar and a murderer. Our evidence will convince you that he Intentionally murdered and ate three Innocent pigs.
Prosecution’s Questions to Bob Fox, a former friend of A. Wolf Prosecutor: Mr. Fox, how do you know the defendant? What did A. Wolf say to you on August 4?
Prosecution’s Cross Examination - Is it true that your birthday is on August 5? Has your grandson ever baked a cake for you? To your knowledge, was he planning on baking you a cake this time?
Prosecution’s Closing Statement As you can see, we want a safe community, A. Wolf must be sent to jail. How can we live in peace when a murderer is free? How can we sleep at night knowing that we might be eaten, or our children might be attacked? We have shown you that A. Wolf was hungry for pigs and that there is no reason to believe that he was baking a cake for his grandmother. We also found no baking equipment at A. Wolfs house. His story cannot be trusted. We hope you do the right thing and put this criminal in his place – in jail!
Judge Trono and Jury Defense Attorneys (2) – Mr. Moore, and Mr. Nelson Defendants – Sacco and Vanzetti Witnesses – 2 ACLU members, 2 anarchists Prosecutors - (2) – Mr. Katzmann and Mr. Mann Witnesses – 2 Factory Workers and 2 Police Officers Bailiff
People Baliff – Opens court room (one of the jury members) Judge – Ms. Trono Jurors – Biography Handout Prosecutors (2) – State Prosecutor Frederick Katzmann and Deputy State Prosecutor Joseph Mann - Handout Witnesses: 2 Workers at Slater-Morrill Shoe Company; 2 Police Officers – Write paragraph. Defense Attorneys (2) – Fred Moore, Assistant Nicholas Nelson Witnesses: 2 American Civil Liberties Union members 2 people from East Boston Anarchists Organization Defendants – Ferdinando Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
Homework 1)Complete your preparation for the trial tomorrow. 2)Summary for today. Notebook check tomorrow – Period 3 and Period 6
Wrap-up Today, I learned that I will be ______________in our trial. To do this job, I have to _________ _______________________________________