Tobacco GRADE 8
Learning Targets Identify types of tobacco products Understand the harmful health effects of tobacco use Understand the financial cost of smoking
Tobacco Tobacco - Nicotine-rich leaves of a plant, which are cured by a process of drying and fermentation for smoking or chewing
Consuming Tobacco
Myth or Fact Smoking tobacco is NOT a drug problem ◦Myth
Myth or Fact Each day in the United States, more than 3,200 people younger than 18 years of age smoke their first cigarette. ◦Fact
Myth or Fact Once you are addicted to tobacco, there is no use in trying to quit using. The damage is done. ◦Myth
Myth or Fact Smoking helps relax the body ◦Myth
Myth or Fact Cigarette Smoking among students has declined over the past decade ◦Fact
Short Term Effects Brian chemistry changes Respiration and heart rate increases Taste buds are dulled and appetite is reduced Bad breath, yellow teeth, smelly
Long Term Effects Chronic Bronchitis ◦Excessive coughing and Mucus secretion
Long Term Effects Emphysema ◦Air sacs are destroyed and become less elastic
Long Term Effects Lung Cancer ◦Cilia and air sacs are destroyed cancer cells multiple
Long Term Effects Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke ◦Nicotine causes plaque build up
Straw Activity How did you feel? Did you start to feel like you weren’t getting enough air? How do you think it would feel to breathe like that for a full hour or day? For a full month or year?
Smokers Lung vs. Healthy Lung
Financial Cost A smoker smokes 2 packs a week for 40 years ◦Average cost 6 dollars per pack 24,960 Dollars!
Why Do People Smoke? In your groups list at least 5 reasons why people start smoking.
Exit Slip From your list of reason why people begin smoking, come up with strategies to avoid smoking. Next class ◦Cigarette advertising and avoiding tobacco use