Communication & Conflict Management Jan. 23, 2014
Upcoming “events” Grades on J1 will be back by the weekend (I hope!) J2-4 not due until Feb 17—BUT… – Each one relates to the content from each week, SO – It is much easier to do them once a week, rather than all at the end!
New approach to groups Everyone has a CLASS ID # -- It’s on the roster. Write it down, remember it, put it on all your group notes that you turn in!! Starting today, groups will be facilitated and facilitators will get points for doing so. Recorders will also get extra points—if the records are good.
Comments/Questions about Tues ???
My comments These techniques DO NOT feel normal. Neither does snowboarding—the first few times you do it. It takes practice!! And there are bad ways to do it!! Example! And bad times to do it!!
My comments If you like what is happening, don’t worry about these. If you don’t like it, what’s to lose?!
Tuesday foreshadows much of the semester…as they influence your Conflict style Emotions Sources of Power and Power Strategies Negotiation strategies Mediation strategies Approaches to dialogue….
So Tuesday was a “foundational” lecture. So is today! Today’s topic: FACILITATION
Slide 1: How many of you attend (or have attended) meetings? Who LIKES them? Why? Why not? PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 2: Meetings What makes meetings bad? PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 2: Meetings So why not skip them? Why do we need meetings? PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 2: Meetings What makes meetings good? PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 2: One way to make meetings good: Facilitation! PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 2: Facilitation Facilitation is a process wherein a neutral party helps a group work together more effectively Choosing a Facilitator May be internal or external Must be acceptable to all members of the group Remember: Facilitators are process leaders only -- they generally don’t contribute to the substance of the discussion PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 4: Role of the Facilitator Helps the group Set an agenda for the meeting Establish ground rules Get to know each other Focus energy and thoughts of members Keep the conversation “on track” Keep conversation moving forward PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 4: Ground Rules Ground rules may cover the behavior of the disputants, the role or behavior of any third party (e.g., facilitator or mediator), the methods or process to be used the substance of the discussions. PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation Slide 5: Key Facilitation Skills Include: Active Listening: Probing (using open-ended questions)without provoking defensiveness Paraphrasing, summarizing Reframing (especially from positions to interests) Highlighting areas of agreement/disagreement
PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation Slide 5: Other Facilitation Skills Include: Including all members Dealing with domineering participants Using non-verbal cues suggesting cooperation Reading/analyzing/responding to group dynamics Recording techniques which include all parties
Slide 6: Benefits of Facilitation Benefits of Facilitation Include Increased motivation to support decisions - Due to investment in the process Improved/more inclusive results - Due to increased innovation/participation Everyone feels like an integral part of the “team” People are encouraged to think and act for overall group benefit A forum for constructively resolving conflicts is developed PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 6: Steps of Facilitation Greetings/introductions Review purpose of meeting Review/discussion of agenda Sequencing Discussion of ground rules behavior of participants behavior/responsibilities of the facilitator procedural substantive PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 6: Steps of Facilitation For each issue: Identify key issues, facts, interests, commonalities and differences brainstorm options evaluate options make a decision move on to next topic At end of meeting Review progress Review agreements made Discuss next steps Assign tasks (as needed) before next meeting After meeting Write up minutes/report/agreements Plan next meeting (if necessary) PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Slide 6: Steps of Facilitation At end of meeting Review progress Review agreements made Discuss next steps Assign tasks (as needed) before next meeting After meeting Write up minutes/report/agreements Plan next meeting (if necessary) PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Facilitation Exercise – Form 3 LARGE GROUPS. Each group should form a circle Choose a facilitator & a recorder. Facilitator does introductions – recorder records names and ID#s (for credit) PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Facilitation Exercise Facilitator thanks everyone for coming and describes the agenda. S/he then facilitates the discussion, while the recorder records. No need to record who said what, just main ideas! PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
So, what’s the agenda? First item: choose a topic – Suggestions: Proposal to require conflict resolution training to get a marriage licence! 759/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=D4TuwC Av 759/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=D4TuwC Av – Proposal to make college loans contingent on majors…loans much harder to get for majors that don’t have good job prospects. PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
So, what’s the agenda? First item: choose a topic – Third choice: should the US intervene in Syria to: Impose a no-fly zone, so Assad can’t bomb civilians Stop weapons shipments to Al Qaeda Protect IDP camps PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation
Then facilitate a discussion and record key ideas. Do this as “professionally” as possible!!! PowerPoint Summary of: Facilitation