The Sending Church Missionaries are the personnel of a Mission organization, but the supervision and provision depend upon the local churches
Responsibilities of Leaders Key to missions is the local pastor’s vision His example is decisive Three contributions of leadership to missions 1. Project Vision —”Gives direction, motivation and mobilizes the commitment of all believers.” 2.Establish Policy —developing a mission-vision-strategy- program statement 3.Plan—Someone must give guidance, a mission team/committee could help Pastor. They need to be experienced (at least short-term), cycled through congregation, kept aware of mission philosophy, strategy and contemporary events.
Mission Committee/Team Each member given a basic function, while free to involve others ACMC (Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment) provides excellent materials. The Association of Church Mission Committee, 1974, Atlanta, is good source, as is the IMB and NAMB ACMC has standardized evaluations, leadership guides, handbook, policy models. Guidelines for 65 issues churches need to consider. 600 churches are members. Global Focus is a ministry to local churches to develop a prioritized, integrated, strategic and balanced plan for Acts 1:8 Formerly part of IMB, now in partnership with others
Suggested ideas 1.Bulletin inserts with missionary and country info 2.Wall display of world map and missionary photo/letters 3.Annual short-term mission project for various age groups 4.Discuss supporting denominational missions and independent missionaries 5.Scheduling missionaries to speak in SS classes, participate in congregational services 6.Provide furlough missionary housing 7.Correspond with missionaries – give guidelines 8.Partnering with missionary on special projects, especially unreached people groups 9.Partner in area cross-cultural projects: internationals, inner-city, 10.Develop lay people in ministry skills to share in other ministries 11.Web page data on missions and missionaries
Responsibility of Local Church 1.Educating the Congregation about missionaries 2.Praying for, identifying and encouraging potential missionaries 3.Praying for specific people groups, church plants, etc 4.Training prospective missionaries 5.Supporting missionaries prayerfully 6.Supporting missionaries financially 7.Caring for missionaries on Home Assignment 8.Be involved with missions through Partnerships and short-term projects
Educating the Congregation Pastor can give a series on biblical basis of missions plus frequent mention of current mission development Sunday School curriculum teaching missions Consistent information sheets and/or projected images of missionaries during congregational services Reports by visiting missionaries (personal, cassettes, videos, letters, , etc) Church library stocked with mission books At least one large world map with missionaries Annual Missionary Conference (Global Impact Conf) File of current information on all missionaries Regular trips to mission field with pastors, members and youth for short-term projects
Training Prospective missionaries Anyone interested should begin general ministry involvement ASAP with appropriate responsibilities Accountability for spiritual disciplines, Bible knowledge and edifying relationships Proof of leadership and speaking gifts should be demonstrated and affirmed before going off to college or Bible Institute Ideally some short term experience to confirm interest
Supporting Missionaries Prayerfully Intercession: Jesus said to pray for laborers and God would respond. Is there a cause and effect promise here? Thanksgiving: for the opportunities to be involved, vicarious accomplishments thru present missionary staff Nationals, UPGs, RACs and CACs need much prayer Unevangelized world need much specific prayer Should not limit prayer to formal meetings—family and individual prayer time, network for urgent requests, a part of Small Groups also The Global Prayer Digest, by Frontier Fellowship and Operation World by Patrick Johnstone (also available for children)
Supporting Missionaries Financially When doing the other responsibilities, financial support will not a burden. Mt 6:20-21 Jesus taught about giving for Kingdom purposes “where your treasure is there will your heart be also” Two-fold Policy decisions necessary How funds are generated Percentage of total giving Increase of last year’s budget for added costs Pledges as part of Stewardship emphasis Faith/Promise commitment What basis are they dispersed Give to denominational mission fund (as SBC expect 11% plus Lottie Moon Christmas offering) Give to denominational support and individual support All funds go to individuals/families chosen by church
Caring for missionaries on Home Assignment Not a vacation for missionaries, though rest may be needed Report to all supporting churches Raise project/support funds back to minimum Gain new training, skill, or seminars for field/family needs Practical hospitality and practical assistance Welcome them to your home-treat normally Be interested in them, their ministry or work – don’t focus on telling them how great your ministry, church, etc. is. Help take advantage of new developments they could use Arrange housing and transportation as needed Provide pastoral care: counseling, encouragement Encourage and finance continuing education Help prepare for return to field: finances, projects, partnering
Partnering with Missionaries Determine which projects fit the church’s budget and philosophy of ministry to extend its influence directly in another country Break up all the projects into bit-size individual tasks to share among many people/churches Evaluate if some field projects would fit into a short- term project, then bring it to completion—home church ministering to the missionary and his goals Create accountability contract—mutual ministering Missionary facilitates the participation of home church personnel in local ministry (translator, study guide, opportunities, etc). –Now a missionary is ministering to his home church personnel
Three Types of Missional Churches 1.Reactive or Responsive Church Open to hearing the needs and opportunities for extending the kingdom through missionaries Church congregation, Bible class, Small group or individual presentations Budgets designed to increase monthly (yearly) support to new missionary projects Willing to allow Classes or individuals to support missionaries through the church Creates a bit of a budget problem, but willing to solve it Support can begin immediately Slightly less stable Annually decides to take on support of new missionaries Usually part of annual church budget typically approved in Jan/Feb Generally very stable Policy manual for support procedures When part of a cooperative denomination, the promotion toward a once a year offering (i.e. Lottie Moon Offering)
Three Types of Missional Churches 2.Short-Term Missional Church In addition to being a Reactive Church, a short-term trip component is added to the program Requires more staff to manage Trips are either targeted toward the existing supporting missionaries or denominational projects Often progressive in commitment Local domestic project (less expensive and less stretching) Far away domestic or nearby country (Mexico, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, etc.) Foreign country Typically a 1-3 week exposure, but can be up to 2 yrs. Objectives range from building projects to evangelism with a translator
Three Types of Missional Churches 3.Strategic Coordinator Church (or “Global Impact Church”) Can practice both the former as well Decides to target a specific overseas project and takes responsibility to see it accomplished Adopting a People Group Planting a church Developing a broad training program Missionaries to be supported fit in this focus Partnering with other missions to accomplish this task Utilizing resources of home church (personnel, skills, finances, prayer, etc.) to assure the accomplish of task