L IABILITY I NSURANCE, R ISKS ON THE J OB Marshall Wolff James E. Egbert May 14, 2014
What We Hope to Accomplish Explore the risks (first party or third party) How insurance can manage those risks Tips when looking for the right insurance Manage the risks that are not covered by insurance Protect your ASSets
Explore the Risks First vs. Third Party First Party: An event (fire, flood, wind, mechanical breakdown, loss of power, spoilage) which leads to property damage (actual damage, business interruption) to the facility’s property or business. Third Party: A claim made by another for damages allegedly caused by the negligence of the facility. Bodily injury or property damage. Today’s focus is Third Party
What can go wrong? Third Party Physical injury; Slip and fall, valet damages car, coat stolen from coat room False arrest/malicious prosecution Foodborne illness outbreak Sexual harassment Explore the Risks
How can Insurance Manage the Risks? Pay to investigate claims Pay defense costs(attorney fees) Pay expert fees Bond premiums Loss of income while testifying Pay the claim
T IP : N OT A LL P OLICIES A RE A LIKE ! Not all policies are alike! What is an endorsement? Deductible Claims made or occurrence
Endorsements Example: A BOP (business owner’s policy) “We will cover all claims for which and insured is liable…..” : (watch the fine print) Except Liquor Liability Contracts coverage Business Interruption Food Contamination Identity theft EPLI
Endorsements Insurance endorsements Can add to the coverage Limit the coverage of a policy Add people and locations Endorsement can increase, decrease or not change the insurance policy premium.
D EDUCTIBLE / CLAIMS MADE O H M Y ! Not all policies are alike! Deductible: How much risk am I willing to take? Claims made or occurrence
Tips for Finding the Right Policy or Policies Think about what you need not what someone tells you that you need What are you required to have by law or contract Find an expert: Not all Insurance companies and sales persons are alike Broker or Agent Ask Questions What is covered What is excluded (not covered) Endorsements Shop READ THE POLICY or at least try
Time Spent Safer Facility Policies & Procedures Policies & Procedures Safer = Less Risk Managing Risks That Are Not Covered Training
Foodborne Illness Risk Example It can happen at any facility at any time, and May be covered, may not, or may not have sufficient coverage! + = Chi Chi’s paid out a total of $50 Million in compensation
Good Food Safety Practices to Manage Risks Four Sources of Food Safety and Health Standards 1.Guidance for industry; Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (“The Guide”) 2.Good agricultural practices (GAPs) and good handling practices 3.Good manufacturing practices (GMPs) 4.Hazard analysis and critical control points (“HACCP”). “Good Food Safety Practices”
The “Good Food Safety Practices” as a Defense Prevention is the best defense to a claim or lawsuit The best way to defend a claim it so SHOW; 1.Facility took “reasonable care” when processing, producing, storing, and selling the product in that it followed: 1.“ The Guide” 2.GAP 3.GMP 4.HACCP 2.The facility used state of the art technology 3.The facility complied with the laws, regulations, and guidelines designed to prevent the type of claim made SHOW = Evidence! If it is not written down and memorialized it may not be admitted into court to prove your defense.
Protect your ASSets When you can’t get insurance or you can’t get enough insurance, think ahead. Form of ownership Corporation LLC Partnership??? Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act; in other words, don’t wait until it is too late!