Pleased to be sharing the 2020 Workforce Vision with you today


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Presentation transcript:

Pleased to be sharing the 2020 Workforce Vision with you today This is an opportunity to thank you for your valuable input, provide you with some feedback and gather your views on the next steps in implementation It has been 18 months in development from concept, agreement on the approach, engagement and consultation with a wide group of stakeholders to final publication. We are using this slide show to: raise awareness of the 2020 Workforce Vision; the changes that will affect the workforce; and the support staff will be given Help staff understand why we need a workforce vision and why changes are being made emphasise how important the workforce is in making change happen hold a conversation about our values and the way we work identify anything that can be done locally by individuals and teams and the Board to support delivery of the workforce vision demonstrate that the Scottish Government has listened to what staff have said and how their views are shaping the direction of travel

2020 Workforce Vision Statement “We will respond to the needs of the people we care for, adapt to new, improved ways of working, and work seamlessly with colleagues and partner organisations. We will continue to modernise the way we work and embrace technology. We will do this in a way that lives up to our core values. Together we will create a great place to work and deliver a high quality healthcare service which is among the best in the world.” The 2020 Workforce Vision statement has been developed with the help of those who participated in the engagement exercise, the consultation and some small focus groups. It reflects what people think needs to happen to deliver the 2020 Vision for Healthcare in Scotland and mirrors the 2020 Vision statement which describes the service vision for the future The workforce is critical to delivering the 2020 Vision 2020 Workforce Vision is the policy direction for NHSScotland acknowledging the wider integration agenda It supports individuals, teams and NHSBoards in realising their local vision It will deliver against key actions within an Implementation Framework

Route map to the 2020 Vision Workforce is one of the 12 Priority Areas for Action in the Route Map to the 2020 Vision

Integration One of the key challenges we have is around the integration of health and social care. The 2020 Workforce Vision recognises the growing impact of health and social care integration. As we move toward 2020 it is expected that implementation plans will reflect the need for greater collaboration. 2013 2020

Informing the 2020 Workforce Vision Extensive staff Engagement Exercise Consultation Focus Groups Key Stakeholder Groups Policy, service and staff side colleagues Continuous and ongoing dialogue Commitment to engage with as many staff as possible in the development of 2020 Workforce Vision Staff engagement exercise ran from December 2012 to February 2013 using supporting materials for Boards to run their own focus groups Aimed for involvement of 5% of workforce and have achieved and exceeded this to 6.2% Consultation with key stakeholders on draft 2020 Workforce Vision ran from mid March to the end of April Also ran small focus groups with mainly AfC bands 1-4 support staff to test language and key messages Consultation was wide ranging and had a good spread of responses from individuals and organisations Regular discussions and updates with key stakeholder groups such as Chairs, CEOs, HRDs, SPF, SWAG Early and continued discussion with colleagues in health and social care policy, those delivering the service at local level and staff side colleagues We have committed to ongoing discussion and engagement through implementation Overall we are delighted with the response to the 2020 Workforce Vision and have had 10,000 voices informing and shaping the work. One of the largest qualitative exercises we have undertaken in NHSS

Key Stakeholders 2020 Workforce Vision Staff Chairs/CEOs Human Resource/ Employee/Nursing/Medical /AHP/Finance Directors MSG SPF/SWAG/STAC PFPI groups Primary Care providers Trades Unions COSLA SOLACE ADSW Education Bodies Statutory Regulatory Bodies SCVO Scottish Care Scottish Patients Association There is a wide range of stakeholders who have an interest in the 2020 Workforce Vision Here are some of those that we were in contact with in the development of the 2020 Workforce Vision Regular and continuous dialogue with them is equally important in the next stage of implementation

10,000 voices Many voices, one vision Wow! We are delighted by this response from you all

Who are they? Staff group Nursing & Midwifery 37.07% 42.7% % of respondents % of workforce Nursing & Midwifery 37.07% 42.7% Administrative Services 28.58% 18.3% Support Services 11.29% 10.3% Medical (Hospital, Community & Public Health Services) 4.80% 8.5% Allied Health Professions 9.99% 7.2% Healthcare Science 3.59% 4.0% Emergency Services 0.13% 2.8% Other Therapeutic Services 3.32% 2.7% Medical & Dental Support 0.36% 1.4% Personal & Social Care 0.29% 0.7% Dental (Hospital, Community & Public Health Services) 0.58% 0.5% Lets look at who responded Take people through the slide Figures in the right hand column show the breakdown of the NHSScotland workforce at 31st December 2012 (source, ISD). The middle column shows who responded to the engagement and consultation. While there is slight negative variance against some staff groups, staff participation within the initial engagement phase is shown to be broadly representative of the wider NHSScotland workforce.

What you told us “Seriously good values and vision” “Bring on 2020, it reads and sounds like the health service I want to be in” “Thanks for the opportunity of being part of the vision” “Fundamentally staff need to feel valued again” “PDP and performance review is essential but eKSF is not the way” “We need more time for on the job training” “We need to grow our own and advance career development opportunities” “the vision is easily obtainable but we need good, inspiring and trustworthy leadership” “Just say thank you when a good job is done” “We need competence and confidence to make the best use of the technology we have” “Let’s value good team working as a recipe for success” “We need fewer administrative handcuffs to enable people to work imaginatively” “Create time for improvement instead of always fire fighting” “Universities and colleges need to be involved in the plans for change now” “Focus on sorting the blocks to health and social care integration” “We need to challenge what’s always been” “Still very hierarchical – we are all important in the patient pathway” Here is what you told us There is little about pay, pensions – quite surprising Instead clearly thought out, well articulated thoughts and suggestions There are many more – take a look You can find more in the summary report on engagement and consultation which is in the toolkit and on the website address at the end of the presentation A key message is that people want to be supported to do their very best

Everyone Matters:2020 Workforce Vision Here is the finished article Everything that you have said has been taken forward to inform the 2020 Workforce Vision You should be able to see how what you said in the engagement process has been reflected Most important was what you told us about values

Shared Values Care and compassion Dignity and respect Openness, honesty and responsibility Quality and teamwork Values are important as they impact on everything that we do and will help make the 2020 Workforce Vision a reality They are important in the way we work and treat each other, in guiding the decisions we take, identifying and dealing with behaviours that don’t live up to our expectations and help create a working environment where everyone takes responsibility for the way we work not just the work they do. The goal is to put people at the centre of everything we do and work to a common set of values which guide the work we do Work on NHSScotland’ s values began at the NHSScotland Conference in 2012 Historically, there has been no set of common values for NHSScotland Many Boards have developed their own values NHSScotland core values have been developed from what people have told us through the engagement and consultation process Boards are expected to ensure their values reflect the core values for NHSScotland complementing and supporting them

Implementing the 2020 Workforce Vision Implementation Framework Key Priorities agreed for 2013/14 Series of Annual Implementation Plans Performance monitored and outcomes assessed Integrated in Board Local Delivery Plans We are currently developing an Implementation Framework for 2020 Workforce Vision We are also developing a set of key priorities we need to address: We will factor into this the outputs from the Staff Survey this year Scottish Government is committed to producing the first Implementation Plan by November 2013 as one of a series of annual plans up to 2020 We will have an integrated approach to the monitoring and measurement of the Implementation Plans. This will be done through Board Local Delivery Plans as part of the 2020 Route Map to the 2020 Vision

Some priorities for consideration Boards embedding core NHSS values Development of support workers New service models supporting sustainable workforce Access to development for managers and leaders in all areas of the service Advice on governance arrangements and employment models for integrated services Together with key stakeholders, we are developing our priorities for the Implementation Plan to be published at the end of the year We have been working with groups of staff to consider the breadth and scope of the priorities and here are some examples The key priority is to embed the NHSScotland core values which underpin and drive everything that we do Boards have been asked to take this forward ahead of the publication of the Implementation Plan at the end of the year.

Key messages Our workforce is the key to delivering high quality healthcare Everyone working in NHSScotland can help make things better Everyone is being asked to work to a common set of values Teams and individuals will be supported to make use of technology, to increase access to services and improve efficiency Everyone needs to be valued, treated well and supported to give their best. This will help to improve patient care and overall outcomes We want to continue the engagement with you from publication of Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision through to implementation over the next 7 years. These are the key messages from the 2020 Workforce Vision We need to turn this in to reality in the Board, the team and for individuals. We all have a part to play. What will you do?