The Bible Speaks to our Condition A look at Acts 11
Introduction This chapter marks the beginning of a dramatic change in the life and teachings of the disciples This chapter reveals what God is trying to reveal to Peter and through Peter to the Church by way of Peter’s experience with the Gentile Cornelius A primary great truth that comes out in this chapter is the all-inclusive nature of the love of God Up to this point the Church had been primarily a Jewish institution Going forward it would include the Gentiles as well As we study this evening let us consider the message that God’s love and salvation is a gift to be shared with all and not a select few
The dissolution of racial and religious prejudice (vs 1-18) Up to this point in the history of the Christian movement, it had been involved primarily just the Jews The Jewish people had been nationalistic and exclusive They refrained from having contact with anyone other than Jews They did not believe the Gentiles were a part of God’s love and plan God had tried many times to convince Peter God’s love included the Gentiles (Acts 10:10-16) In addition to the three-fold vision, Peter heard the voice of God commanding him to go with the men who were at the gate waiting to bring him to Cornelius’s house (Acts 10:19) The gift of the Holy Spirit to the house of Cornelius convinced Peter and the witnesses with him, as well as the Church in Jerusalem, that God had indeed granted the Gentiles the gift of salvation brought about by repentance and faith in the Lord Christ Jesus
The purpose of God includes the Gentiles (vs 19-24) After the events in Cornelius’s house some of the disciples went to Antioch and preached the “Good News” to many non-Jews who believed and were converted This caused some concern with the Church in Jerusalem who then sent Barnabas to investigate Barnabas was a good man who followed the Word of God Barnabas looked at the great things God was doing and encouraged the Gentiles to continue to trust and obey the Lord What happened in Antioch was a real departure from what Gods redemptive plan was in the mind of the Jews This would produce such controversy and conflict that it would lead to a great conference later (Acts 15)
Christian conduct resulted from Christian teaching (vs 25-26) It is interesting to note that at the end of the teaching activity, the disciples were called Christians To be a Christian is to be Christ-like Conversion does not instantaneously produce Christ-like character and conduct We must all remember that conversion and baptism are not the end of our commitment to God but rather the beginning Paul chose to buffet his body daily We must do likewise It is through the love and support of other brothers and sisters in Christ and our mutual love and respect for God that we make it through our journey here on Earth
An example of generosity (vs 27-30) The early Christians possessed an attitude of compassionate concern for other Christians in need They understood the teaching of Christ that it is more blessed to give than to receive It is important to note here who the money was sent to This passage makes it clear there was a great famine throughout all the world The monies that were sent were sent specifically to the brethren dwelling in Judea (vs 29) This money is never mentioned as being sent to those outside of the Lord’s body
Conclusion As we consider the chapter, let us ask ourselves Is racial or religious prejudice keeping us from spreading God’s word Do we truly understand the Gospel is for all Do we display those actions and attitudes that would cause others to recognize us as Christians Are we generous and gracious in ministering to the needs of our brothers and sisters Let us all try to respond and share the Word of God with others and share in the needs of the brethren as we have seen in this passage